'Tis the season and all that…
Post links to your favorite Christmas Youtube Videos.
'Tis the season and all that…
Post links to your favorite Christmas Youtube Videos.
It’s on Vimeo but I love this family’s series of holiday videos. The husband is a videographer. They’re super cute:
Jingle Bells (2011)
Here Comes Santa Claus (2010)
Wishing You an Old Fashioned Christmas (2009)
Wishing You a Merry Vintage Christmas (2008)
I thought about giving this one it’s very own thread
You know I’m a fan, but this video is deliciously HORRIBLE and here’s an hysterical breakdown via NPR.
One small note on my post above, I meant to make put in a larger font, but I didn’t mean to make it that big. Sheesh, that’s huge. I’m sorry.
the following songs are actually way better. they are so great so i don’t know why i don’t hear them more often at chistmastime. I found all of them on the same page so you can see if you like them or not.
Christmas Wrapping- Miranda Cosgrove
cooks xmas
Dec24 On Christmas Night chancel choir
he comes from glory - george banton
Alan Jackson - “Honky Tonk Christmas”
Dale Watson - Honky Tonk Christmas
share what you think about them. Those were the only ones I liked from that page. are they good or do I have bad christmas taste? lol