Fun with pareidolia

Spuddy Ducky, you’re the one
You make mealtimes so much fun
Spuddy Ducky, you’re all fulla starch, it’s true…

Aaaah! It’s looking right at us!

Every year for the past few years I’ve been on a Bad Science of the Year discussion panel at the Arisia science fiction convention (it was ditched his year, however). One of my contributions every years Things Found on Mars. There’s no end to the pariedolia-inspired weirdness that True Believers with too much time on their hands have turned up in hours of perusing the NASA images taken on the Martian surface. I’m not at home with my files right now, but I’ll send some tonight.

Here’s one example:

One of the things that made The Orange One’s State of the Union speech more bearable was seeing the faces in the shadows of the flag behind him. If you click on the link and dim your screen a little you might spot more than when it’s brighter. I particularly like the one near the edge of the flag.

Thanks for that link, CalMeacham. Mars has some cool stuff!

Here are some “Things Found on Mars” that I intended to use this year
The WArrior Woman of Mars

Two Aliens on Mars (also has the Pig Statue of Mars and the Mars Pot with the Lid Ajar)

The Duct Tape of Mars

And, even though it’s not on Mars – The DEATH COMET!!!

Actually, the image is an “Artist’s Representation” of a more nebulous photo. The artist took considerable liberties with reality, as the following show:

That’s why this is perfect for “The Year in Bad Science”

There’s a graffiti fad called eyebombing that takes advantage of pareidolia.

I’ve been doing that for years: i had no idea it was a thing that other people did too or that it had a name.

Chester Cheetah would be all over this.

I was thinking Mr. Potato[sub] conjoined [/sub]Head.