Funniest Movie!

Others already took my choices…Life of Brian, Young Frankenstein and Airplane. I’d add Airplane II, but only for people who saw the original. The in-jokes in that one had me rolling.

Chaim Mattis Keller

“Sherlock Holmes once said that once you have eliminated the
impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be
the answer. I, however, do not like to eliminate the impossible.
The impossible often has a kind of integrity to it that the merely improbable lacks.”
– Douglas Adams’s Dirk Gently, Holistic Detective

Taking nothing away from the movies mentioned, if you ever stumble on a copy of Halleluia Trail in your local tape rental or on the late night movies, watch it!

The beginning is mildly humorous, but the climactic scenes of the battle among the soldiers, indians, striking teamsters, temperance ladies, and hooch-starved miners has kept roomsfull of people holding their aching sides.


The Marx Brothers’ “Duck Soup”

“The man who ran this place before
He didn’t know what to do with it
If you think this country’s bad off now
Just wait’ll I get through with it!”

Monty Python’s “Quest for the Holy Grail”

“Silly English knnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnni-ght!”

Mel Brooks’ “History of the World Part One”

“God has sent me with these fifteen- (CRASH!) Ten! Ten commandments…”


In no particular order:

  1. MAS*H
  2. Animal House
  3. Kelly’s Heroes

trivia: Who appeared in all three?

Quick like a bunny: Donald Sutherland was in all three.

Slythe, I knew somewhere, somehow, there’d be something we agreed on. At least, mostly. I love Support Your Local Sheriff. I wouldn’t rate it as the funniest ever, only because I don’t usually quantify things like that, but it’s right up there.

Doctor Jackson, I think you are the only person I’ve ever run across who even knows the Trinity Movies. “Brothers, it says there’s a time to fight!”

I’m not going to “me too” some of the great movies already mentioned; but I will add The Kentucky Fried Movie. Yes, it is somewhat dated, but the Bruce Lee spoof is worth the whole price of admission itself.

Souvenieeeeers, nov-elties, par-ty tricks

Big Trouble in Little China, Clerks, Animal House (not in any particular order)

Notch another vote for Young Frankenstien.

Close behind; The Princess Bride, Better Off Dead and any of original Pink Panther novies.

Erg hard one…Support Sheriff, Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles, and of course…GhostBusters!

We were fine until dickless here shut off our power grid.
Is this true?
Yes…this man has no dick.

>>Being Chaotic Evil means never having to say your sorry…unless the other guy is bigger than you.<<

—The dragon observes

dirty devil,I agree. Top Secret was quick and funny. But who was in it? Who directed? I also liked Doctor Detroit!

Top Secret rules (Val Kilmer starred, I believe the Zucker Bros. directed) I can’t believe no one has mentioned the first Naked Gun yet! The baseball montage where Frank searches all the players for the weapon almost made me wet myself. Also UHF, if only for the “spatula city” skit.

Undercover Blues

“The secret of life is, there ain’t no secret, and you don’t get your money back.”

Booty Call

My favourite line from History of the World part one:

Mel Brooks: What part of Ethiopia are you from?

Gregory Hines: sand dances beautifully West 57th Street.

“Waheeey! ‘Duck!’ Get it?”
“Errr… No…”
“Duck! Sounds almost exactly like fu-”

Raising Arizona. Although The Big Lebowski is right up there.

Yes, I’m a Coen Brothers fan.

Mel Brooks *was a comic genius. The body is still alive, but his funny bone was buried about two decades ago.

Can anyone remember a funny Mel Brooks movie from this decade? They aren’t just unfunny, they are painfully bad.

And obviously “Blessed are the cheesemakers” is not meant to be taken literally. It refers to any manufacturers of dairy products.

Kat! Undercover Blues? Was that the movie with Morty in it?

“Not Morty! Muerte!”

Three favorites off the top of my head. I would cancel other plans to stay home and watch any of these flicks:

“The Man With Two Brains” starring Steve Martin and Kathleen Turner

“The Jerk” starring Steve Martin

“High Anxiety” with Mel Brooks (directed by Mel Brooks, too)

Anyone else love these? Lets have a film fest at my house! I’ve got a big screen and surround sound…and popcorn!!

Some mornings it just doesn’t seem worth it to gnaw through the leather straps.