Funniest Movie!

The Jerk- Cracks me up everytime I watch it.
Caddyshack- The 1st time I saw it I laughed so hard I pulled a muscle in my side (might’ve had something to do with what I was smoking at the time though :))
Happy Gilmore- The scene where Bob Barker kicks his ass is hilarious.

Satan, kelli - if you guys like clerk ( mall rats, and chasing amy) You should know that silent Bob and Jay are back in a new movie. I can’t remeber what the name of it is, but they’re working with a few angels to save the universe. It looks funny as hell!

Bad spellers of the world… UNTIE

Marx Brothers, yes; but which one?

“Duck Soup”? -Hail, Hail Freedonia…

Or “Monkey Business”—with that wonderful scene with Groucho trying to stuff dozens of people into that tiny stateroom?

It’s so hard to choose!

We have met the enemy, and He is Us.–Walt Kelly

The new Kevin Smith movie (“Clerks,” etc) is called “Dogma.” Besides Jay & Silent Bob, I know that Alanis Morissette is supposed to play God in it. I’m definitely interested in seeing that.

I’d have to say “Clerks” & “Mallrats” are two of my favorites, but I didn’t like Chasing Amy nearly as much. Maybe it’s just hard for me to take Ben Affleck seriously as the lead after his parts in “Mallrats” and “Dazed and Confused” (ANOTHER one of my favorites, by the way).

“You’re going to listen
to ME? To something I
said? Haven’t I made it
abundantly clear over the
tenure of our friendship
that I don’t know shit?”

  • Brodie, “Mallrats”

dhanson – did you see “Robin Hood – Men in Tights?” This is the ONLY Mel Brooks movie I’ve ever found remotely funny. Carey Elwes is such a hilarious straightman, and Dave Chappelle is a riot as his streetwise sidekick from the hood of Sherwood.

And daniel p, wasn’t the stateroom scene from “Night at the Opera?” I think that and “Go West” are my Marx Bros faves. My brother and I had both on tape as kids and must’ve watched each about a dozen times.

Slythe–Yes. I look for it everywhere I go, but I can’t find it either to buy or to rent. :frowning:

Muerte: My name… is MUERTE!
Jeff: Nice to meet you Morty, my name is Jeff.

“Undercover Blues” gets my vote as being one of the most underrated comedies in a long time. Most people have never heard of it, but it’s freakin’ hilarious. Dennis Quaid and Kathleen Turner were remarkably good.

BTW, it was a sort of a remake of the ‘Thin Man’ movies from way way back.

Oh, yes, strong endorsements for just about anything Marx Brothers, Animal House, and Airplane…oh, lawsy, Airplane (thought the sequel sucked.)

Of Mel Brooks, The Producers! Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder…pure bliss. Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein, but no favorites after that.

Support your local Sherrif…and Cat Ballou just for Lee Marvin, drunk gunslinger with the drunk horse.

Okay, so I’m weird, but also Arsenic and Old Lace, the Addams Family, and Beetlejuice. And my beloved Plan 9 from Outer Space.

Cine slob,

I love Airplane, the naked gun, young frankenstein, There’s something about Mary, Happy gilmore, Dumb and Dumber, Liar Liar.

The first time I saw “There’s something about Mary” I almost pissed my pant’s!!

Clerk’s wasn’t that funny.
I loved when they brought out the old guy and his little friend was up and about!
It cracked me up!

NOT The Big Lebowski.

No no no no no no NO!

Not a funny movie.

“Waheeey! ‘Duck!’ Get it?”
“Errr… No…”
“Duck! Sounds almost exactly like fu-”

God…I cannot believe anyone who said Mel Brooks and said he made no good movies did not like SpaceBalls. I mean the premise was cheese but god was Rick Moranis hilarious as Dark Helmet. I mean the scene wher ethe camera zooms in on him as he does the
"There is only one person who would jam my radar with rasberry…Looonne Star BAM! the camera smashes into the helmet. The ludricous speed and lets not forget president Scroob exclaiming why didn’t anyone tell me my ass was this big. I admit it was no Blazing Saddles (Mongo belting the horse…Alex Karras really did that) but like I said it had its moments.

Ok…funniest scenes. Someone tell me you did not crack up once in Porky’s. I admit it was juvenile, but the office scene or the famed Why they call her Lassie scene? Absolute guarantees to make you crack up.

For overall movies…
-Something About Mary (Beans and Weenies!!)
-Young Frankenstien (Marty Feldman is GENIUS! I gor will you help me with the bags?
Soitenly, you take the blonde and I will take the one in the turban!)
-Blazing Saddles as well (Dom Deluise: Have You got that??
Gay chorus: yesssssssssssss
Dom: Sounds like steam escaping!)
-Its a Mad Mad Mad Mad World (gem of a movie)

I’ve never seen Support your Local Sheriff before! What have I been missing?

Some of my favorites:

Quest for the Holy Grail: Classic.
Return of the Pink Panther: “Pardon moi, but do you have a lee-saunce for zat minkey?”
Something About Mary
Breakfast Club: Some of the one-liners in this movie STILL crack me up. “This is the worst fake i.d. I’ve ever seen! Do you realize this birthday makes you 56?”
Repo Man: I watched this movie countless times in high school. I wonder if it’s funny to people not under the influence of mind altering substances?

I opened this thread and paged through every post looking for mention of the movie that was funniest to me. Didn’t see it on the first page…scrolling through second page…still don’t see it and then…the very last post (by PunditLisa) stole my thunder…

Chalk this up as a “me too” post for the movie:

There’s Something About Mary

Contestant #3

Funniest movie ever, even after multiple viewings, is undoubtedly Bringing Up Baby with Kate Hepburn and Cary Grant.
Funny lines? Not much quotable out of context, but it’s the greatest of the screwball comedies of the 30s.

“There are no leopards in Connecticut, are there, Elizabeth?”

When we were younger, my brother and I had countless viewings of “Rustler’s Rhapsody” on our betamax. It was hilarious! Too bad it doesn’t hold up as I age.


We are the children of the Eighties. We are not the first “lost generation” nor today’s lost generation; in fact, we think we know just where we stand - or are discovering it as we speak.

I’m seeing some pretty funny movies here, but “What About Bob?” Wasn’t that a hilarious movie? I’ve seen it several times, and I still laugh.

I love all of the old Cary Grant comedies. He was great at suave, but he was best at comedy. Besides the two mentioned on this thread so far, try Father Goose.

CKDH - best scene in Bringing Up Baby, when Grant answers the door in the frilly houscoat and leaps in the air, “I just went gay all of a sudden!”

I’ve heard from some of the older relatives that the funniest stuff ever put on film was done by the Ritz Brothers, but I have yet to see anything of theirs – do you suppose any of its on video?

…at night, the ice weasels come…

I have to put my votes in for “Undercover Blues”, “Spaceballs”, & “Robin Hood: Men in Tights” and add the Crocodile Dundee movies!!!–esp the part when Mick says “That’s not a knife…this is a knife!” :wink:

-'LiZa JaNe

I would “me too” lots of the movies mentioned here, but a classic that always cracks me up with its slapstick sillyness is “The Court
Jester” with Danny Kaye, featuring the Flagon with the

Hawkins: I’ve got it! I’ve got it! The pellet with the poison’s in the vessel with the pestle; the chalice from the palace has the brew that is true! Right?

Griselda: Right. But there’s been a change: they broke the chalice from the palace!

Hawkins: They broke the chalice from the palace?

Griselda: And replaced it with a flagon.

Hawkins: A flagon…?

Griselda: With the figure of a dragon.

Hawkins: Flagon with a dragon.

Griselda: Right.

Hawkins: But did you put the pellet with the poison in the vessel with the pestle?

Griselda: No!!! The pellet with the poison’s in the flagon with the dragon! The vessel with the pestle has the brew
that is true!

Hawkins: The pellet with the poison’s in the flagon with the dragon; the vessel with the pestle has the brew that is true.

Griselda: Just remember that.


“Believe those who seek the truth.
Doubt those who find it.” --Andre Gide

All this monty Python talk and not ONE mention of “The Meaning of Life”??? That one kills me. While I didn’t care so much for the last half (the vomiting fat guy was completley lost on me and grossed me out beyond belief) the first half was absolutely priceless! The Third World-Yorkshire? The discussion of Protestant sexuality vs. Catholic? “Oh God, you are so very, very large.” Please! This is amazing stuff!

The Black Knight in Holy Grail is pretty amazing: “It’s just a flesh wound!”

Airplane is so completely stupid it has to be funny.

Spinal Tap is spot on and a treat.

Has anyone here seen “Waiting for Guffman”? Love it to death.

Unfortunately for me, I have a very, very, very high tolerance for humor, and I either have to be in exactly the right mood or something has to be devastatingly brilliant for me to actually laugh out loud most of the time. So even when I appreciate how funny something is, it still rarely makes me laugh out loud.

Which is a bummer, because I love to laugh.

“It goes to eleven.”


This is a non-smoking area. If we see you smoking, we will assume you are on fire and act accordingly.