Funniest sentence you've overheard lately

Zombie thread, zombie post, but that’s a line from The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear.

Leslie Nielsen says it to Priscilla Presley in The Naked Gun. In the film, she’s his ex-girlfriend. They’re having dinner together for some reason, and in an attempt to impress her/make her jealous with how well he’s doing, he lets the above-quoted line fly, too loudly. Everything gets quiet in the restaurant as people stare at him. He then stammers, “I was…um…dating a lot at the time.”

:stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Overheard a colleague on the phone in a pleading voice, “Please don’t throw-up on my pillow to get back at me?” I have no idea of the context nor do I wish to.

Boyfriend was talking about a lady with whom he works. He’s a shift manager, and was very angry that she was not doing what he wanted, so as he was telling us about his night at work, he drops this: “I really thought I was going to hit her, I don’t care if she IS pregnant!”

This one is genius and I’ll be sure to use it myself at some point.

A while ago when I was working register at my job at a grill during nacho night, I got to overhear this gem. (Note: Our nachos come in three sizes Wimpy, Regular, and Large which is written on the container)

Female Customer: Your box says “Wimpy” because you’re wimpy.
Male Customer: Then yours must say “Relentless Bitch”.

American tourist in a Starbucks: All I want a caramel frapucchino… do they even have caramel frapucchinos here?

Yes, they do.

I’ll give in to the temptation of posting to the zombie…

Context: ESPN is showing a miniseries called “The Bronx is Burning” which is, I presume (I’ve never actually watched it), about the Yankees’ struggles in the '70s, with Steinbrenner, Jackson, and so on.

Last night, during the Giants/Nationals game, Rick Sutcliffe uttered this gem:

“For a while, the '07 Bronx was burning, but now it’s on fire.”

Mmm hmm.

How appropriate for a zombie thread!

I was in an airport, and this guy who, I swear, sounded just like Cleveland from the Family Guy, was taking a business call.

“Yeah, what we really need to do when we get there is suck the brains out of the incumbent, find out what he was up to.” This idiom was repeated several times.

I’m pretty sure he meant PICK the brain of the guy, but… mmm. Brains.

I have no idea of the context- it was an angry woman on her cellphone:

“Well if he didn’t want to get hurt he never would stuck the damned thing up there in the first place!”

Joke or not, might I suggest to any and all single fathers out there that they get involved in Scouting with their kid. Half of my Pack is accompanied every week by single mothers. Single mothers who frequently need help with the camping stuff, and whittling, and etc.
I suppose it’d work if you were to bring your daughter to Girl Scouts, only you’d be the one asking those single moms for help with the … with whatever it is that Girl Scouts do.

Since it’s a zombie thread, I’ll post an old one.
Years ago while swimming at my grandmother’s house I overheard my aunt discussing her sister’s new boyfriend:
“Well, how lebanese is he - I mean is he really from Lebanee?”

Lady: I like the Dollar store because I don’t have to dress up like at WalMart.

Today I heard the plantive cry “heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp, I got poo on my Superman cape”.

Superheroes really need to wipe better!

I did not overhear this, but it was taken verbatim from a letter a customer wrote to one of our camera techs to describe a fault…

“…camera has not been dropped and defiantly has not misused in any way…”

Ma Kent won’t always be around to clean up, sonny. Burn it off with your heat vision.

Last Thursday, while waiting to be taken into surgery, I was in the pre-op room, trying not to listen in on the conversation between surgeon and my fellow pre-op patient. The surgeon was explaining to the patient the process of taking him into surgery, and how he’d recover in the post-op room, down the hallway, and how he (the surgeon) would be there when the patient came out of surgery.

Referring (I hope) to the post-op room down the hallway, the surgeon says to his patient as he leaves the room, “I’ll see you on the other side!” :eek:

A very disapproving old lady in the freezer aisle at the supermarket, to her companion:

“Let’s go somewhere else, they only have French vanilla.”

From one co-worker to another, “You make me wish bad things.”

She was looking for Freedom Vanilla.