Obvious scam? Well-written with the tongue firmly planted in the cheek? ‘I can’t believe someone is actually trying to sell that!’? Post some ads that tickle you in some way.
Here’s one I found. It’s not ‘hilarious’ in the traditional manner, but I found it amusing simply because the subject matter is what interests me.
Oh, and the seller and airplane are in Turkey.
What makes it funny (to me) is that the NEW airplane in question is half-a-century old, a 1960-1962 model, and the total lack of information. It looks like a scam. Maybe the guy has poor language skills, or maybe he’s just clueless. But it has ‘scam’ written all over it.
I like the Craiglist type ads that admonish other people’s ads, like ads saying that Joe Schmoe is a crooked contractor and won’t show up or pay you for working, or telling people to quit mis-catergorizing their ads.
A kid looking for someone to do his homework for him? Aiyiyiyiyi… :rolleyes: Not knowing how to spell where you live? Fail.
The last one? It’s not that easy finding an actress who will appear nude up here. As a sometime-filmmaker, I’ve shot nudity and on the last project we had to get an actress from Seattle for one scene. The actress for the other nude scene was local, but she had a jealous heroin-addict boyfriend who caused problems. I can feel for the guy (though his fairy project for the military sounds pretty funny). He doth protest too much. In L.A. the usual format is: ACTRESS WANTED. [Age range], [race, if applicable], [role description], nudity required, [compensation]
(EDIT: As it happens, I have a role that requires nudity for a female corpse. But before I get to that I need a crew, the rest of the actors, locations, and time to shoot the film.)
There’s a page out there somewhere full of pictures from eBay ads where people were selling something reflective and took a picture of the item while naked.