Funny Real Life Names

My personal favorite

I also went to high school with a Rod Johnson, a porn name if I ever heard one.

In college, I had a professor Kuntz - pronounced koontz though.

In my grade school we had a girl named Tajma Hall and another named Candy Graham, who had a younger brother named Tiger.

My mother was supposed to see a Dr. DiMento last year. I remember finding a Web listing for him; I’ll post it if I can find his first name.

I know a Mike Hock.
Also, in my hometown, years ago there was an obituary for a Harold “Harry” Dick.

While in college I babysat a little boy whose last name was Peed. He got picked on a lot. Any time the teacher said “Billy Peed” all the boys would say “Ewwww!” Poor kid.

There was a guy named Wright Nee a couple of years behind me in my high school. Unfortunately, Googling the name brings up only a string of references to such women as “Katherine Wright nee Douglas”.

My brother knew a girl who went by the anagrammatic name of Norma Roman – she herself doesn’t show up in the first few pages of a search, but happens to have a fairly famous actress namesake (see Birth Name on the linked page).

The best one I’ve got:

The head of the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency is a guy named Dick Willey. As of late, Mr. Willey has been in the news a lot lately because of some financial shenanigans.


I just can’t get over the fact that there’s someone in this world named Dick Trickle and he’s famous and he never changed it!

Every time I hear it I have to have this mental conversation with myself:

E1: “Dick Trickle?”
E2: “Yes, unfortunately, after the surgery.”

Which also reminds me of one of my husband’s favorite real-life jokes. Looking for athletic shoes, he walked into Rack Room Shoes. A clerk told him they didn’t have the model he was looking for, then asked helpfully, gesturing to a store nearby, “Have you tried Dick’s?”

Husband: “Yes, and it left a really bad taste in my mouth.” :stuck_out_tongue:

A professor here at Penn State is Harry Allcock.
I can’t even look at the guy without snickering.

A friend just got married. His wife’s name is pronounced “on uh”, and his last name is a euphemism for a penis. Sounds like she’s “On a Penis”


On a related note – my daughter and I were at the local mall, which is just up the road from the local Dick’s. We happened to see a guy wearing his lanyard/name badge from said sporting goods store. My daughter, knowing her mother has no shame, pointed it out to me. Of course, I leaned over and in a stage whisper said “dude? your Dick’s showing!” He looked at me as if he were about to pee himself, then realised that I was pointing a little high for what he was thinking and giggled. We then saw the same guy later at a different store with (apparently) one of his coworkers. My daughter did the same thing to the girl who blushed and giggled when she realised what my daughter meant.


I had a professor at college whose last name was spelled Roach. He insisted that it was a French name and should be pronounced “Row.” Whatever, dude. If it helps you sleep at night…

I once had a real estate client who went by Tony Ho. He and his sister immigrated from Hong Kong. It wasn’t until we got to know each other pretty well that he told me that his name was really Fuk Yung Ho and his sister was Suk Ing (or Ng) Ho. The really funny part is that their mother was British!

Nobody ever believes me, and I can’t prove it, but that’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it.

I’ve no penis related names to share, but I went to high school with a girl named Candi Barr.

Then there was the obligatory customer with a name very much like Phouk Yu

I know a bank teller (not that her profession is significant) named Aneeda Gnapp. (Pronounced “I need a nap.”) Her parents were, I believe, Polish, and did not realize the sound of the name in English.

I also once had a student named Princess Bernard. One of my older students commented, on seeing her name on a piece of homework, “There’s a Freshman named 'Princess Bernard? What, does she have a brother named ‘Saint?’”

A classmate of my daughter’s was named Brandy Coffee.

I went to high school with Sandra Beech. Yes, she went by Sandy. I got to be fairly good friends with her my senior year…nice girl.

There is a well known fast food joint in Seattle called Dick’s. I always thought it was funny to hear frat boys saying “well, I’m going to go eat Dick’s”.

There’s a DJ named Justin Case here. There’s another Justin ___ DJ name that’s even more of a groaner but of course I can’t think of it.

What with my pronouncing Harry and hairy differently, some of these are lost on me.

To continue the hijack, the website for Dick’s Sporting Goods is not, not I say, tripdub dicks dot com. Had to call up IT and explain that one, I did.