Haven’t seen a thread yet.
Saw it yesterday. Pretty intense.
Not the kind of film you show to troops before combat. Any romantic notions about the glories of combat will vanish after viewing this. (I fear than anyone that has actually been in tank combat will say the movie sanitized it!)
I read the summations of several reviewers, and they seem to fault the film for not making some grand statement about War. Why does it have to? Can’t it just be a plain ol’ war film? For every Statement film (Apocalypse Now, Full Metal Jacket) there’s a ton of just good war films. Of which this was one.
My wife, upon seeing the trailer, predicted two ways the movie would end.
Brad Pitt lives, the kid dies, or, the kid lives, and Brad Pitt dies
It was the latter
I give the movie credit for avoiding one cliche. When the scout runs back and says that German troops are coming, and he is asked how many, he does not say “all of them.”
One thing that seemed a bit excessive, the gunfire used tracer rounds, so you could follow the action (and, of course, so the gunners knew where they were shooting), but I suspect the rounds were enhanced, because the battles made me think I was watching Star Wars, with blaster bolts flying everywhere. They even left red glowing holes in the bodies.
There was a one-on-one tank battle between a Sherman and a Tiger that seemed like Battlezone. One tank maneuvering to get the best shot, with the other trying to turn fast enough to avoid getting shot. But, at least Battlezone, after you destroy a tank,
the crew doesn’t come out on fire, and then shoot themselves in the head .