Future Man--anyone watching?

I binged all 13 episodes over the past couple of nights. It is hilarious and well written.

I was just about to start a thread on this, glad someone else is watching. This show has no right to be as hilarious as it was. Went into it with zero expectations and thinking the premise was lame and played out, but holy shit did they pull it off well. The James Cameron episode is one of the funniest things I’ve seen on TV.

Yes! I laughed out loud a few times and now am saving the last few episodes. I am rationing them for the long cold winter,

Watched the whole thing, mostly because the shows I wanted to watch needed more of my attention and this could play in the background and I didn’t care if I was missing stuff. Thought it was mediocre except for the James Cameron episode, which was pretty damn funny. And Keith David should have had a much bigger role.

I’m up to episode 5.

Originally, I ignored it thinking it would be terrible. But it was much better than I thought it would be. Some great one-liners too.

I liked it a lot. The James Cameron episode was hilarious (and mean). But I thought the sex farce episode was lousy. Luckily that was the only one that was a turn-off for me.

I binged it as well. It’s juvenile humor, but I still laughed my ass off.

If that’s what passes for “small” in the dick trading episode. I guess I should never go skinny dipping again.

Sounds very interesting. How do you access it? I didn’t see it on Netflix.

It’s exclusively on Hulu.

Doesn’t Joosh say something like “They told me it was impossible”? I thought that was implying that he had had enlargement done.

Did they ever actually explain why some people refused the cure? because it really seems like the rebels are basically anti vaxxers. Which honestly makes the whole thing so much better.

They were deliberately kind of vague on how things worked, and I agree that it made it more interesting.

Likewise, Tiger claimed that the biotics were all bred in a lab and Jeri noted that imperfect people like Josh don’t exist in the future. What does that have to do with having a super-powerful immune system? Is it related at all? Maybe it was just the first step on a slippery slope to breeding genetically pure supermen.

Now I’m wondering if Season 2 will show Tiger and Wolf going back to a future that has been ravaged by a super-plague. (Oops…)

Finished this last night and enjoyed it! Many things came together in the end and I thought it was fun. For me, they took the premise just serious enough that it worked when it was off the rails.

I do agree that it seemed like the rebels were anti-vaxxors. At one point, I had to confirm that with Mrs vislor. However. I assume that there has to be more than that, or just skewed perceptions, since we do see some of the bad conditions of Wolf and Tiger growing up. Shades of Demolition Man, perhaps? It also makes me wonder how many Biotics there are? If it’s ten percent or less, then again, I can understand the rebellion.

A fun show!

Future Man is back for season 2!

Just thought I’d let everyone know.

Just noticed on Hulu.

I watched the first episode. Will probably binge the whole thing tomorrow afternoon.

S2 off to a hilariously good start BTW.

I finished watching it yesterday and today. I thought it was pretty funny; the ideas were maybe a bit less fresh and crazy the second time around, but the plot hung together a little more consistently, I thought.

Thanks for the heads-up, season 2 snuck up on me.

I trailed off somewhere during the first season. I enjoyed it, but it was definitely uneven.

Agreed that the James Cameron episode was amazing. Winning a dance contest with the moon walk during the moon landing was also a beautiful riff on Back to the Future.

I might give it another try now that there’s another season.

Just finished season 2, thought it was better than the first season. Especially episode 12, which had elements that reminded me somewhat of Charles Stross’s Palimpsest and David Gerrod’s The Man Who Folded Himself.

I got the trial subscription to Hulu just to watch this! It’s awesome, probably one of my favorite shows of all time now.

It reminded me of It’s Always Sunny, but with more killing and time travel!

The only thing that bothered me is I wish they would have gotten more rights to songs and music from previous time travel shows/movies. So many times they played some music that SEEMED like music from earlier shows/movies, but not quite it. Kind of bothered me.

Other than that, it was awesome!