Future Olympic events - a sporty MMP

Unicycle jousting. Each player rolls down a ramp heading toward each other, with a padded lance, and attempts to knock their opponent off their unicycle.

Their helmets would have some goofy foam ball on top and you’d get a bonus if you managed to knock it off without the guy falling.

Incubus, you reminded me of one we thought about on our last cruise - scooter jousting! But only for seniors - it wouldn’t have the same impact if it wasn’t 2 gray-haired contestants wearing thick glasses and hearing aids. “What? Did he say ‘GO’??”


Oh dear, lieu, that’s terrible. I’m so sorry. :frowning:

**{{{lieu}}} I’m so sorry. Good friends are hard to lose.

I have come to the decision that the IOC should just turn the Olympics over to Dopers. Then they’d be worth watchin’. :smiley:

{{{{{Lieu}}}}}, dude.

Maybe we should put the Grim Reaper downrange during Dodge Javelins.

Fuck the grim reaper.

Well, I’ve got good news so even though I’m supposed to be doing homework I thought I’d stop by and share. I’ve been wanting to get back into exercising, specifically water aerobics, but I couldn’t figure out how I was going to make it work with my school schedule in the fall.

I have a favorite YMCA. It’s kind of weird, actually, as it’s one of the places that I call my ‘happy places.’ There’s just something about going there to make me feel like I’ve come home. Well, their evening water aerobics classes are at the same times when I have school so it wouldn’t work but one if their sister Ys has classes on a night that works for me, so I’ll be able to go to the other Y during the week and my favorite Y on the weekends. And I am totally looking forward to it. :slight_smile:

That was kinda long-winded, wasn’t it? Maybe I should save the verbosity for my papers.

New Olympic sport… Paper writing/stretching? How little information can you stretch how far? :smiley:

Not much competition, the politicians would win.

you’d be silver to my gold
Zombie Avoidance/Endurance

Off-Key/Auto-Tuned YouTube Music Video.

And something RuPaul Enterprises could sponsor LipSynching for you Life

Biathlon is an existing winter sport that combines cross-country and rifle shooting. There are probably any number of sports that would be more exciting with rifle shooting added – ski jump? Luge?

Irked, came home. Curried chicken for dinner. 3 days till inventory, 5 days till vacation.

More Olympic events: Synchronized rioting(Vancouver could take the Gold) and LARPing

You just want to throw pointy sticks at random people.:rolleyes::wink:


Yay Sticks!

gaffa, I like the cut of your jib. Welcome!

I, for one, would like to agree with yesterday’s article in Cracked and suggest that calcio fiorentino become an Olympic sport.

What an interesting topic, FCM! LOL I am not very good at thinking up stuff, though, so don’t have a contribution - yet. :slight_smile: I’m still thinking of it.

Sorry for your loss, lieu.

August is almost here, and that’s hard to believe. The kids here will be going back to school in a week or so, too - wow!

In other news, I did return to the swimming pool on Saturday morning and was able to get in some quality water walking time. Good exercise for me! New Mexico is back to summer time weather - hot and DRY. LOL It really isn’t too bad; dry heat is definitely much different and different to deal with than humid heat.

Hope everyone has a good week this week, and at least Monday is nearly over.

Oh, I loved the portion of the opening ceremony that had the Queen and James Bond (and the corgis) - still find it hard to believe that the Queen really did that - and her corgis as well. :smiley:

lieu, I’m so sorry. :frowning:

Yay for the good Y news, Sticky.

Hi tarra! I liked the Queen and corgis, too.

I nominate puppetry and liveblogging (have to click on the headline to get to the actual live blog). Perhaps just comedy in general. Also, I want the Wall Street Journal’s sports staff to take over primary coverage of the Olympics. Immediately.

Not too bad for the beginning of the week at work today. Got quite a bit done and didn’t feel the need for a pointy stick. So yay!



Re: Mixtec Pelota – I meant “big area” – you hit that little hard rubber ball with a hard boxing-sized glove, and it flies a good fifty feet – but I really don’t know how the teams are configured. I only saw a few young Mixtecans informally practicing once near a village in Oaxaca state, Mexico.

IT RAINED!! IT RAINED for, like, at least an hour!! With thunder and lightning and floody yard and everything!!! This is perhaps the 3rd time I’ve seen it rain more than a drop since I moved here almost 4 years ago. I stayed outside the whole time, it smelled so good. <3

Long Jump Over 8.5 meter Crocodile Pit

100-meter Dash from Polar Bear on Ice

Snot Put

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 74 Amurrkin out with a predicted high of only 87 (BRRR!) and rain on the way so I’m told. Actually I am already all the way caffienated a shortly I shall purtify for irk and head out cause I want to vote before goin’ in to irk. It’s primary election day in Jawja. Might be other places as well in the USofA. If’n it is, go vote!

I am lovin’ all the Olympic Games ideas. Tibby snot put? I am intrigued! :smiley:

And now this…


See, I didn’t forget!

Off to purtify, vote, grab some brekkie and irk.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

Good morning, I guess. I’ve been up since about 4:30. I didn’t want to get up that early - in fact, I stayed in bed at least an hour trying to fall back to sleep. So much for that…

{{{lieu}}} - you’re not having a good week at all. :frowning:

I’m also loving the new Games suggestions. I have another one: Synchronized flossing! What better way to encourage good dental hygiene?? :smiley: I’m intrigued and somewhat disgusted by snot put… :eek:

Happy BBBobbbio Day!!

OK, I need caffeine if I’m going to function…

I think we need more every-person events, like Synchronized Parallel Parking. I can hear the announcer now.

“Oh, well the American team knows most Europeans are great with the Minis, but now in the Classic Caddy Round, we’ll see some surprises. And Joe Stickshift from America actually brushes the curb! That’s a full point deduction!” :smiley:

I’d like to see White-Water-Polo - played on the kayak course, two teams of swimmers compete to gain possession of a dozen balls thrown in at the top - and throw them through or at goals/targets on their way down the rapids.