Future Olympic events - a sporty MMP

One would think so.

Rain’s done. It came down like the proverbial horse peeing on a flat rock for maybe 10 minutes or so. Now the sun is out and the non-puddled pavement is dry. What we really need is 3 or 4 days of nice, gentle, steady rain. Fat chance.

Hey, now just for fun the damp area in the basement has turned into a puddle that makes squishy noises when you step on the carpet. And… I found the dehumidifier but the thingy that collects the water is missing.



Hope you have a great day today. :slight_smile:

  • Hide and go seek.

  • Musical chairs. (Men, Women, Mixed; 5, 10, 20 people at a time.)

  • Wife carrying.

  • Soccer (with 5 balls at the same time.)

  • Lawn Darts.

  • Rollerball.

  • Funny walk competition.

And my cable modem/router has all but kicked the bucket (yes, posting from my phone) and it’s only 4-5 months old!

Clearly I need to give up for today and take a nap.

ooooh - I like the idea of Olympic Musical Chairs!

Back from a quick run to Leonardtown for milk and a few random things. It rained while I was there and apparently the rain followed my back up Rt5, because it’s raining here now. It won’t last, but I’ll take what I can get.

{{{Sticky}}} you need a nap and ice cream.

BBBobbio of course ice cream at a beer bash. One must eat after all.

I am at da cave and awaitin’ a call from OYKW cause we’re goin’ for Mexican vittles. He called earlier and said he had him a gnawin’ and a cravin’ for steak and chikin fajitas. Fine by me. He’s buyin’ and I’m eatin’. :smiley:

Forgot to mention I did go vote this mornin’ before irk. I have my little peachy sticker to prove it even. I like gettin’ my peachy sticker when I vote. It’s like a reward. Among the items to vote upon today were Sheriff of Lee County, Jawja, (I voted against the incumbent. Nuttin’ against him but his opponent seems pretty knowledgeable and he’s also burly and cute), the TSPLOST (Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax, ain’t that a mouthful!) referendum, (I voted yes cause the money will stay local for road projects), County Commissioner from my district, (I voted against the incumbent because he’s been a proponent of adding utility billin’ to property tax bills which is wrong on many levels), and last but not least said referendum on addin’ utility billin’ to property tax bills. Y’all can infer from my County Commissioner comments how I voted on that. Plus other stuff that I can’t really remember at the moment like lots of unopposed incumbents and such.

Oh and I irked.

A few drinking games would be good, to give the Irish a guaranteed win, that and a few of the old classics- hide and seek maybe?

Bit excited today; just got a job interview, this friday and it’s for a job I really like the sound of, a veterinary receptionist. Even if I don’t get it it’s still good to get this far, I’ve been applying for loads of stuff for months, and I’ve been starting to think I’ve been doing something wrong, as I’ve just had rejections til now. :slight_smile:

Oh yeah, and Happy Bobday!

I had about a 20 minute nap complete with strange dreams.

Now I’ve got the computer plugged directly into the modem by a cable and it works.

So, I’m going to quit whining. :slight_smile:
ETA: Congrats on the interview, Filbert!

I came home to a kitchen counter covered in red velvet whoopie pies. VWife is pissed because they baked to long, and are of cookie style crunch instead of cake consistency.

I don’t care, and next weeks Fat Club will take another beating. :goes back for his third since getting home:

I read that as, "…complete with strangers.


Yay for you Nuts! Appropriate/inappropriate appendages crossed.

Back from an early dindin. OYKW went back to his place cause he has paperirk to deal with, poor thing.

Time to load the kiln. And since I’m out of scintillating conversational tidbits, I’m going to turn the computer off and veg in front of the TV for the rest of the night.


Teevee veggin’ also about to happen at da cave. I shall lie upon the bed and stare at mindless stuff for a while.

Nitey Nite Y’all!

Especially, that. Haven’t you ever had a beer float?

Is that Kosher?
I mean, the ice cream may be DAIRY (K), but yuck!

try Blue Moon and vanilla ice cream. it works.


That’s one thing Dave and I had in common. Neither of us had ever been drunk.

I just made chorizo and eggs for dinner. Yum, yum, yum!!!

Sure. Yuengling and s’mores pair very well.

Indeed. and glad the nap helped.

Yay for Nuts! and my hockey Peeps could give the Irish a run for the money in drinking games(we once drained a bar of tequila)

Home, 2 days till inventory, 4 days till vacation.