Gaining on Gratitude, an MMP for Dave

Yes. He or She can’t fix anything until they are elected, and by that time they have turned to the Dark Side.

Mornin’, all. Well, afternoon, and no I didn’t really just get up!** {Sticky}** That was very moving and lovely, thank you. I’m glad you had time with him, and hope you get time for yourself to just…remember. And be sad.

I am grateful for a lot of things. For MrTao’s steadfastness, for my kitties’ dorkness, for my family’s love even though I wander all over.

I am not thankful for Mouse’s bark, though. If you’re familiar with The Dresden Files books, this little Mouse will never be as big as Dresden Files’ Mouse, but his bark…wow. We nailed in on his name, 'cause his bark and whine and howl can be heard through houses and across streets, lol. And since he has a high separation anxiety level right now, understandably, he is barking the whole time I or MrTao isn’t in sight. I think I’m serious about this; I have no idea how he has any bark left!! This is all a work in progress, and…ok, just now saw little orange cat shoot by, with Mouse in full pursuit. In a fun way, so I guess he’s feeling a little better, lol.

Now, how does one ‘get’ a puppy to pee once outside? We only have a small patch of grass, so that’s where I bring him every couple of hours. But…what? Sure not gonna SHOW him how. Haven’t caught him in the act in the house, so can’t pick him up and bring him out right at the moment of precipitation, hrm…

I am often surprised by how many of my RL and OL friends are ummm…a little far to the right.

I have several friends who post their very conservative views and they show on my FB. I have taken to hiding those feeds. My husband has several friends that send emails to us EVERY DAY that just spouts the most extreme far right stuff I have ever seen. I don’t even open them; I delete them and so does my husband.

Personally, I don’t post anything political on my FB, nor do I send out emails regarding my politics. They’re my views, and I’m not about to try and “convert” people. It takes all kinds to make the world go 'round.

Like FCM, for once I’d like to see people elected to office who will attempt to fix what’s wrong, instead of trying to keep their political party happy. I’m not registered for either party; I vote my conscience. I wish the politicians would do the same.

Very nice OP, Sticky.

I am thankful for my wonderful kids and husband, friends and the rest of my family. And, my dogs. My dogs give me great joy.

I think you just have to wait around with him and praise him when he does so that he gets the idea.
Perhaps give him a cookie when he does.

Yeah, we’ve only had him a couple of days, and he HAS peed outside. Right now he’s so anxious about everything that I think, until he calms down and settles into routine <which we’ve tried to keep the same as he was in at his old house; he’s just four months old> that everything’s going to be up in the air a bit. Poor little guy. He’s content to sleep on my foot though, lol, so that’s good. He just wants to be near the humans at ALL TIMES!!

Well, dang, Tao how else is Mouse gonna train his humans unless he’s with 'em all the time! :smiley:

I’m at da cave now. In a little while I must mosey on over to the church house to get things goin’ for tonight’s doin’s. OYKW will mosey on over around fiveish to help with set up stuff as will another recruit. Steak, baked N.O.T., sallit, bizkits, the world reknowned sausage appetizer and beer. Life be good.

BTW, Swampy, thanks for the appetizer hints! I love me some kielbasa, and that sounds a lot nummier than the typical beanie-weenies, lol.
Did I type that last sentence with a straight face? The world will never know!

Yeah, I had a conversation with a co-worker about why another co-worker quit/got fired which contained the fervent affirmation that one couldn’t be a “real Christian” and gay. I mildly put forth the Episcopalians and Evangelical Lutherans as counterexamples and left it at that. Speaking of, swampy, the purple astroturf is mahvelous, dahlink.

I was gone because my graphics card was seriously dying. I couldn’t even look at a picture online without green dots flashing. Due to me not paying attention to a small detail in my order :smack: , it took me three tries to successfully order a new card from Newegg.

Yay for computer workingness!! MrTao and I are sorta computer geeks, so we’re usually prepared for…whatever, but a day or two without our lifelines…I mean, computers…and we are some cranky-arsed peoples, lemme tell ya!

BTW, Doggio? You’ve been adopted. Sorta. Well, your nickname has…‘Doggio’ is what I keep calling the Mouse-puppy :slight_smile: Kinda like I call our cats ‘kitty’ or ‘dorkamus’ or whatever.

So now I have a doggio. Any tips or tricks I should know about? :smiley:

Very, very busy Monday, and I’ve had a daylong headache from my efforts to both cut out sodas and cut way back on eating.

Two weeks until I get my own place. I picked up plates and kitchen stuff at Ikea. Thank Og for Ikea. I can’t bring myself to shop at Wal-Mart, the stuff at Goodwill was really picked over, and Ikea not only has good stuff, but amazing prices as well.

I met a David, oh, almost ten years ago. My first year of teaching, and he worked at the same district as me. We were at an in-service for new teachers and both of us bored out of our skulls. He was nicer about it than I was.

There are very few people I am as instantly sympatico with, and almost no men. He was everything I could have wanted in a boyfriend, but five minutes into our first conversation, I checked his left hand, and sure enough, he was wearing a wedding ring. So I went into friend mode.

I met his wife. She seemed like a great lady. David and I did a lot of joint work, especially after he moved from the elementary to the middle school. When teachers and spouses got together, it was him and his wife I mostly hung out with. He was a great guy.

When he had a son, I saw him less at work. Who could blame him? Then, when I moved away, we traded a few emails, and his responses got further and further apart. Then, he stopped answering. I visited once, and his wife didn’t talk to me. Since that visit, we haven’t talked. We were all at a memorial service for a beloved colleague who’d died of breast cancer, and as soon as it was over, I saw his wife drag him away before I could go over and say hello. Ah. Well. I suspect if I hadn’t been there, they would have stayed much longer. He was an even better friend of the deceased and her husband. I wish I’d known the way the wind blew. I’d have steered clear and given his wife whatever space and time she needed.

I can’t be angry with him. He chose his wife over our friendship. Of course he did. I just wish I hadn’t been perceived as a threat. I miss him. I miss his wife. I only got to see his little boy a handful of times.

I wonder if I’ll ever meet anyone like him again.

On the subject of Davids:

Michael and David have always been my two favorite guy names. First sweetie’s name was Michael David Lastname. Second sweetie’s name was David <and he looked, seriously really LOOKED like Michaelangelo’s David! Except with a penis.> College sweetheart’s name was Michael, and my last serious relationship before MrTao was named David. I think David is my favorite name, ever. No idea why. :wink:

Well us Manly Men aren’t supposed to be all sentimental and stuff, but being amongst friends I can tell what I am grateful for

My Mom and her six years as a breast cancer survivor

My Sister has been clean from heroin for three years

My Step Dad who has been my Dad for thirty seven years

My other set of parents, who are insane but fun, I really won the parent lottery

My work, I still get loud, rawk out, sleep late, hang out with tattooed chicks, drink obnoxious amounts of beer, travel all over(that someone else pays for). Did I mention LOUD, I get paid to be LOUD, VERY LOUD so loud my eyeballs vibrate sometimes. I also get to dress like a kid when I work, Chuck Taylors, Jeans and a Band T-Shirt.

I really have little to complain about

Also have to admit that I love the Dope and My Mumpers

Cheers All


Yes, dammit! I’ve missed you and your snarky column!

Beautiful OP. I’m grateful for so much, but especially my kids right now.

One of my lose friends and neighbor’s son was killed in a car accident Sat morning in Massachusetts. He hit a tree. He was 20. I knew him from when he was 7 or 8. It’s just so sad.

Lovely OP, Sticky. I’m glad you’re grabbing on to the positives to help you through.

The cat, of course. Haven’t you been paying attention?

apparently, yes.

I call my cat a variety of names - how I came up with Pussicus Katticus I have no frickin’ idea - but it stuck. (might have been right after the Doctor Who episode ‘The Pandorica’ . . . :wink: )

David is a good strong multicultural name. I know 3 Daves, 1 Davey, and 4 Davids. However, none of them have ever been my sweetie.

I am grateful for many things
[li]That my health isn’t worse than it is - given my weight[/li][li]My family, especially the Rosebuds[/li][li]My friends, OL and IRL (that includes youse guys)[/li][li]My cat[/li][li]My chorus[/li][li]That I have a job and a roof over my head[/li][/ul]and other things that I cannot think of right now.
I miss my sister and my parents, but I’d like to think they’re keeping an eye on things.
I’m also grateful for Vicoden and Prozac :wink: :smiley:

FCM, This Comic Is For You!!

And Anyrose, the boys nickname the cats Murphycus and Dresdenitus. I think they watched “300” on the sly, lol!

Does this mean I’m in trouble?


Howdy! Home from men’s night over to the church house. 'Twas a great time as always. Good friends. Good food. Good Beerverages. :smiley:

{{{Soapy}}} I am so sorry for the loss of your friend’s son. This is tragic at any age but at the age of twenty, well, just damn!

I shall go lie upon the bed now and watch teevee until sleepy time.

Nitey Nite Y’all!

Nah. As I said, it takes all kinds. Besides, you are not sending 20 glurge or EXTREME far right emails a day. I kid you not; one of my husband’s old co-workers does that. Most of it is debunked by Snopes. I used to send back responses showing the cites, but he continued. Now, I just delete them.

Soapy, I am so sorry for the loss of your friend’s son. That is just heart breaking.