Game of Thrones Season 2 - OPEN SPOILERS Discussion Thread

Hey, I know I volunteered months ago to start the episode threads with book spoilers, but I don’t have HBO at the moment and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to buy episodes on Amazon on Monday mornings like I’d like to. Does anyone else want to take on the task of starting the Reader’s threads (episode-based threads that allow book spoilers up to and including book content covered by a particular episode) on Sundays? If so, please mark the threads Reader and/or “contains book spoilers”.

Is this not the anything goes thread?

Yes there’s a thread. But people wanted threads for each episode.

Great work in the first episode. A few observations:

Craster was way too clean-cut. Needs to be dirtier and more scraggly.

I enjoyed how Stannis was established. The letter-editing scene was perfect to show his personality. And Melisandre was appropriately eerie and sexy without being over the top about it. Davos was a bit weak. I wonder if they’ll explain the bag around his neck?

I mentioned this in the other thread, but the moment after Cersei slapped Joffrey, when the realization of what she’d done struck her, was one of my favorite acting jobs of the series so far. I also loved the non-book scene with her and Littlefinger.

I loves me some Dolorous Ed.

How many epis this time?

I don’t remember the scene where Cersei slapped Joffrey as being in the book. Is that original to the show?

Yes, it’s an original addition. There were plenty of those in season one as well.

Obviously, Tyrion and Cersei and Jaime are all amazing, and I think they did a bang-up job introducing Stannis and Melisandre (even if they didn’t give her a name, and +1000000 points for getting the table in there!)

But for my money, the most surprisingly good performance is coming from the kid playing Joffrey. I like the fact that he’s changing from being a snivelling mama’s boy to being someone with a little more backbone, albeit still a psycho. That scene where Cersei slaps him… that was unbelievably good.

No, I’m going to make a bold statement. So far, there has not been a one original scene that was not among the top half or quarter of scenes in the show. The adaptation’s clearly in the very best of hands.

Actually i mostly agree but i thought the scene with Littlefinger throwing the incest thing in Cerseis face was a dumb move and very out of character for him.

I like watching two naked chicks make out as much as the next guy, but I wouldn’t count Littlefinger’s exposition/sexposition scene from the first season as a brilliant addition.

Did anyone catch the names of the northern lords that were with Bran? the first one talked about fixing Torrhen’s Square so he must be Tallhart, but i didn’t catch the name of the other.

I am new to Game of Thrones as in I didn’t know it existed until HBO aired it and I happened to catch it. I have read up to Book 3.

Where did R+L=J originate?

From reading on here and Fark, the evidence that people have posted makes sense. Does something else happen beyond book 3 that gives this theory more weight?

Can’t remember anything offhand that happens after the first three books that adds anything more to the theory. We have not heard from the one guy who was also there, Howland Reed, yet.

I don’t think there’s much past book 3. In Dance, Barristan makes some comments about one of the Starks knocking up Ashara Dayne. That’s a bit of a wrench in the mix, but I think it’s likely that the culprit was Brandon. I think it’s also confirmed that she miscarried?

Basically the evidence is: Robert’s hatred, Ned’s dream, Meera and Jojen telling Bran about the tourney at Harrenhall, Dany’s visions in the House of the Undying, and Ned thinking about the promise and Jon in appropriate situations. That’s mostly books 1 and 3.

Agreed, that was just gratuitous. I also thought that Littlefinger throwing the incest in Cersei’s face was out of character for him, and would have been very out of place in the books.

Well, to be fair, he did so right after Cersei threw Catelyn and Lysa in his face, and his not even being an also-ran second choice but a total “do not want” instead. And Littlefinger definitely has his pride, and more than a bit “I’ll show you all” in him. It seemed a “tit for tat” type situation: “You think you know something about me? Well, I know a little about you too.” But yeah, I think that Book Littlefinger would be more careful about keeping such information to himself until the opportune time to get the most use out of it.

Right, a tit for tat situation might work among equals but Littlefinger standing up to the Queen is just a silly thing to do. Specially when his entire existence relies on making others think he is useful and on their side.

I think this is mostly to foreshadow or provide justification for his kidnapping of Sansa and his long-running campaign to screw everybody who isn’t him or Catelyn Stark.

ETA: Because it might seem to the viewer that Littlefinger would basically fit very well into a Lannister dynasty as a shadow power, so if there’s no conflict between him and the other self-righteous sociopaths his move to dick them over and establish his own fiefdom later would come out of the blue.

I guess that makes sense. In the book Petyrs motivations are more clear because it is said several times that Sansa looks a whole lot like young Cat, something that isn’t true at all in the show.