Game: The Second Person That Comes To Mind...

The name that started this was Archie. See, Archie Bunker is the second person that a number of us here think of when we hear the name Archie. (First for me is Archie Andrews; one guy thinks of archie the cockroach first.)

So, the rules are: Name the second person that comes to mind for a given name (fictional characters, celebrities or historical figures), then give a name for the next poster. Please only use names that you can think of at least two different people for. First names, last names and nicknames are all acceptable.

I’ve done mine, so for the next person: Martin.

[sub]sup-poll: Does having thoughts about things like this make me insane?[/sub]

I first thought of Martin Short, then I thought of Steve Martin.

So, the next name is Steve.

Steve Urkel

Next name: Laura (not Lara :slight_smile: )

Laura Ashley. (Laura Dern was first.)

Next name: Smith

Second name was Smith & Wesson (first was Valentine Michael Smith).
How about Valerie?

Valerie: Valerie Stallings (ex-San Diego city councilperson) - first person was Valerie Bertinelli

Next name: Eddie

Eddie Izzard was first.

Eddie Van Halen was second.

Next name: Barry

I thought of Barry Manilow first, and then Barry White.

Next name: White

Snow White.
Barry White came to mind first.

Next name: Matthew

Matthew Perry from “Friends”.

O.K., “Adolf”.
No, wait that’s too easy.

How about:


Magic Johnson (first was my grandmother, Lorraine Johnson)


Flash Gordon (First was… I know you’re just trying ot get someone to say his name… well, no, I wont!)


Orlando Magic came first, then Orlando Jones.

Marion Jones first
Then Sugar Jones (uck)


Benjamin Franklin first.

Franklin Pierce was second.

Next name: Annie

Indiana Jones came first.

Casey Jones came second.

Next name: Annie

Ignore the stupid “Jones” post I made. I saw that Ginger had already answered it and changed my post, but my computer…is…weird.

Annie Lennox

Next name: David

David Duchovny…first was David Letterman.
Next name…

** Jeff [/b[

Jeff Hardy, first. Of course.
Jefferson Davis, second.
