As a companion to the very fun
[Quote…Unquote Game Thread]
( started by samarm, here’s an alternate one. Same rules, on this time you provide the second half of the quote.
…makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
“A char-broiled burger and curly fries…”
“…That ends well.”
The right balance of healthy lifestyle, a good investment strategy, and the study of many books…
…until you see the whites of their eyes.
Don’t shoot the whites of their eyes…
… until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes.
We seem to be off track already.
ok…first for Kn*ckers
“Sometimes not everything turns out ok…”
For ultrafilter
“Don’t assume that person you’ve been hitting on all night is going home with you…”
…or give me death.
“Don’t criticize the effectiveness of someone’s odor eaters…”
…but fear itself.
“The fobia of your own ass is called …”
“… only 6 inches, and very thin”
Swampbear’s got missed:
“Give me life… (or give me death)”
Go ahead with Bippy’s 6-inch one, now…
"I like my new pencil it’s…
… tomorrow is another day.
“Today I can’t spell fobia (phobia) but…”
“… conquers all”
Tide with bleach…
“…stay out of the kitchen”
"Look, I’m trying to cook, and you’re getting in the way again. How many times do I have to tell you to…(stay out of the kitchen)?
“…, we are the children.”
“Why do Dopers look like members of The Brady Bunch? Because…”
“… Do not collect $200”
“Do not press charges…”
“…was the best thing ever.”
“Ukulele Ike’s post, symbolising the five states of un-being, …”
“… left me completely out of breath”
“Trying to reassemble all these quotes backwards…”
“…for they are subtle, and quick to anger.”
“Do not take the piss out of Moderators …”
“… and we all fall down”