Quote... ...unquote game

I’ve seen this played on another message board, and it looks kind of fun… so I thought I’d see how it goes here.

You finish the quote from the last post, then start a new quote.
For example, if the last post ended:

“I know what you’re thinking, did he fire six shots…”

then the next post could be something like:

“…or were there only five members of the Shot family working for him?”

Then you start a new quote. Hilarity ensues (in theory!).
I start with:

“Dubya says he can go to war, with or without…”

“Ask not what your country can do for you…”

“…but how much it’ll cost”.

“The only thing we have to fear is…”

…the clown lurking in the corner with a butcher knife"
“When the going gets tough…”

“… I like to wear my depends”

“The best thing about sex is …”

… pass the job off onto somebody else."

“When life gives you lemons…”

I imagine one of the funniest things about this will be the ‘mistakes’ made due to double posting. Good idea samarm.

umm… that was kind of in response to belladonna’s, but I guess it still works…

“…you say ‘That’s just great. Lemons. How about some hard cash… got any of that?’”

(Ethilrist: :D)

Ops! Forgot to start the next quote:

“I was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar…”

“… but then we had a topless night, and they found out I was a man”

“The best cure for constipation is …”

“… until I discovered the miracle that is Amway!”
“I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or…”

“…next time I’ll vote for Dubya.”
“This litlle piggy went to market, and this little piggy…”

…became bacon.

“Great Green Gobs of Greasy Grimy…”

“… is how I discribe my Ex”
“Love is like …”

“. . . a box of chocolates - you leave it in the sun and it gets all melted and gooey.”

"Mr Hankey the Christmas Poo. . .

“fell off the pot and into the stew.”

“A bird in the hand…”

“…will peck your palm then poo.”

“If I had a penny for every supermodel I’ve slept with…”

“…I’d swap places with the windshield washer at the next light.”

“Michael Jackson’s nose makes me think of…”

“… small slimey sea creatures”

“Would you marry me if I …”