Gateway Destination PC/TV - nifty or albatross?

The Absimias are moving. We get to paint the new place and were up there all weekend. We make a discovery. Left behind by the former tenants is a bunch of stuff that is going to Brown Elephant (a charity thrift-store). Among the stuff left behind is a Gateway Destination PC/TV. Hurm. Never heard of that. Let us look through the manual. Hey! It is actually a computer. Weird. Win95, DVD player, curious.

We examine it more carefully. The TV is HUGE and heavy. Maybe we want to keep this. Wait a moment! That keyboard is really dusty; not a good sign. Maybe we can just keep the TV? Nope, the back of the TV is set up to only allow input from the computer. Stupid. I’ll look stuff up on the net. No dice (for the most part), it is only mentioned in passing as something that has been discontinued. They still sell parts for it however.

I’m suspicious of it. The gageteer in me wants to keep it, but I’m fearful that it will become an albatross that will follow me from apartment to apartment (like the 5 year old monster laptop that I can never bring myself to get rid of, only heavier). I already have a DVD player (two if you count my Playstation) so I don’t really need it, and if we keep it that will mean I have 3 TVs which is about 2 over my intellectual-snob limit. So what is the dealio? Should we just give it on to Brown Elephant and let them find some poor soul to sell it to? Or is it something worthwhile?
