Well color me surprised: :eek:
Scroll down: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_Law
Well color me surprised: :eek:
Scroll down: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_Law
I thought that was referring to you but I wasn’t sure. It’s been there at least 3 months.
You’re famous!!
Wow. Fantastic. Let’s hope this is just the beginning. I expect to see it in Webster’s or the OED before the turn of the decade!
How cool is that? I didn’t know that it was used outside of the SDMB. Did a Doper write the Wikipedia entry by any chance?
Gaudere’s observation is not only a Law, it’s also a really good idea.
An exclamation mark is not call for.
Hurray! Congratulations, Gaudere!
But Wikipedia should be capitolized.
That’s Wikipedia. With an capital W.
A mere trifling.
There’s an entire article on Wikipedia devoted to one of my research results. Since the result has come to be labelled with my name, my name even appears in the title.
Thats so Wicked!
:mad: Can I add Futile Gesture’s Law? Someone else always beats you to making the smart and witty reply.
I just edited the entry to give you credit, Gaudere.
Hehe sweet, you’re immortalized.
I read some of you guys’ posts and was like, “Hey, why are they all slagging on my grammar . . . oh.”
I think Gaudere’s Law is more standalone than those other laws, which are all direct ripoffs of Godwin’s. But, hey, I’m just thrilled it’s there at all! I have geek cred now.
Is there any problem in my mentioning the Dope on Wikipedia, Gaudere? I figured that since it was just a statement of fact, it would be oky.
I don’t see why not. The Straight Dope has a Wikipedia entry about it already, after all. p You could even link to the orginating thread: http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=41684&highlight=Gaudere+Law* before the origin vanishes in the mists of time.
It was added by Montrealais. His e-mail address is matt_mcl@ …
So sadly, it was a Doper.
Okay, got it in there!
Why is that sad? I imagine Dopers have contributed quite much. I myself have written extensively on philosophy, political philosophy, and logic.