Gay marriage opponents, listen up: I've got a secret to tell you

You will not stop gay marriage. You will not oppress homosexuals forever. It will be legal in our generation, and by the time my children are grown it will be as unremarkable as a black man sitting at the table next to you in a restaurant. You are no different than the bigots who tried for so long to hold back the inevitable tide of the civil rights movement. You claim your motives are to “preserve marriage”, or even just the definition of the word. You are not linguists, and many of you are divorced yourselves. These motives are spurious and transparent. You are on the wrong side of history. One day, if you live long enough, you will be emabrassed and lie about your vote. You might let your bigotry slip in front of your grandchildren one day, and sure, they’ll still love you, but for the rest of their lives they will think a little bit less of you.


Guys are sucking guys’ dicks. Women are banging their clits together furiously - POW POW POW. Balls are slamming balls - BANG BANG BANG.

Maybe in the house next to you. Not 30 feet away in your safe, cookie-cutter suburban paradise. It could be your friend, it could be your neighbor, it could be your family member or your kid’s teacher. It could be your senator. It could be your preacher.

And you know what else they’re doing? They’re holding hands. They’re telling each other I Love You and heading off to work. They’re balancing check books and planning Thanksgiving. They’re training for that 10k next month, they’re visiting elderly family members in the hospital. They’re teaching their nieces and nephews how to ride a bike. They’re reading the bible, or a John Grisham book, or watching that new Stallone movie. They’re doing the same things you and I are doing.

And you begrudge them for what? A fucking word? That word is so precious to you that you would deny them what is a foregone conclusion for yourself? I hope you feel proud you smug motherfuckers. Ride high on your horse of hate. Ride high but don’t look to the future, because it’s bleak for your outdated ass. You’re a dead dinosaur too stupid to fall over yet.


That was awesome.

You forgot decorating.

Yeah! Seriously, unless they’re inviting you in for some BANG BANG BANG POW POW POW, why the hell do these people care so much what other people are doing in their bedrooms? Never in the history of mankind have there been more spurious arguments over something so not a big deal.

And not only that, they have children! They may not have gotten them the same way you did (though some of the previously married women might’ve). Some are adopted and some are in-vitro; some are step-kids. Some have no kids. Some have pets. Some have parents or aunts/uncles liviing with them. They are all different sorts of families and every one is JUST AS LEGITIMATE as YOUR “family.”

You know … that just sounds painful.

Holy crap! They really are horrible people!

(Seriously, I concur with the OP.)

Thank you for your post, Cisco.

Great OP. Really fucked up situation.

May I quote part of your OP in an email to some friends? They need to think about this.

Quite possibly, as voguevixen pointed out, they are teaching their own child how to use a sippy cup and stack blocks. And, in some state where it hasn’t already been outlawed, they are preparing to celebrate his second-parent adoption so both parents can have legal protections for that child.

Because if we let people get away with that sort of sinful behavior, God will smite us all. Just like He did with hurricane Katrina, when he smited some areas very close to New Orleans’ French Quarter.

… and yet you didn’t balk at the big, bold text…

I remember a thread from a few years ago asking what a day in the life of a typical might-as-well-be-married gay couple was.

Turns out they’re pretty boring. Domesticity isn’t pretty.

For some reason I want someone to make a music video to Van Halen’s Right Now with this theme…

But if we allow gay marriage, next thing you know, people will want to marry their pets!

I don’t see this as a problem, as I’ve had my leg humped by many dogs already. Apparently my leg is a sexy bitch.


Fucking awesome OP, Cisco.

It took every ounce of willpower not to kick over my neighbor’s “Yes on 8!” sign on my run this morning.

The neighbor that married her sister’s ex-husband.

Yet, strangely leaving such dens of sin as San Francisco and Nevada untouch. Truly, Gawd moves in mysterious ways.

God’s a sucker for slot machines and fresh seafood.

I think my clit is broken. It has never gone POW POW POW.