Gay porn screening... in a church?


](Gay activists attack Ugandan preacher's porn slideshow | Uganda | The Guardian)[

](BBC News - Uganda gay-porn stunt 'twisted')Church has certainly changed from when I was a kid.

Sounds like he’s taking a “Know Thy Enemy” approach.

What if there’s a couple of people who get turned on by it? I think he might be losing members.


I was hoping this was a story about a gay porn producer holding auditions in a church.

Most disappointing thread title evar.

It’s a very common tactic – screen gay porn (the more outré the better) to sheltered folks who are already prepared to interpret any display of sexuality as twisted, nauseating horror, and watch the homophobia cement.

Much the same tactic was used in the Canadian court case R. v. Butler, which is responsible for current Canadian obscenity laws and the ability of Canada Customs to censor erotic materials (especially gay ones) at the border.

Methinks the pastor doth protest too much.

“I swear it’s research, honey!”

Apparently, what I need to find is a church that denounces Reese’s cups, and hands them out by the dozens, so we can all see for ourselves how disgusting they are. . .

I’m wondering where the pastor got the gay porn from. Private collection perhaps?

I wonder if he had to screen several films to find just the right scene in order to make his point. “Research” indeed!

On the other hand, the members he has left are bigger.

Where were the altar boys in all of this? Won’t someone think of the children?

Err, actually, scratch that.

Now that’s a church I can get behind.

If I dislike something, I choose not to do it.

But when a fundamentalist dislikes something, they insist that NOBODY do it. :mad:

Except for themselves.

And upstanding.

A pillar of the community, you might say.

Watching porn certainly embiggens me.

I will no longer be shaking hands out on the front stairs after service. You will now be able to find me over at the new “Glory, Glory, Alleluia!” hole we had installed in one of the confessionals…

I wonder how many parishioners sat there, trying to hide their sanctimonious little boners.