Geezer Music: Space Age Pop or Bachelor Pad Music

Have a look around at The Space Age Pop Music Page and see if any of the music you used to think was the ultimate in cool and hip can be found there. If so, let’s discuss.

Are you kidding? Even I’m not old enough for that music. And finding people here older than me limits the crowd to phone booth size.

Remember phone booths? :slight_smile:

'Fraid so.

Oh, well. So much for an idea that there may be more in the world of music…

I like some of the listed artists (the Ventures, Louis Prima, Henry Mancini, Esquivel), but the overwhelming majority of them haven’t aged well, and weren’t that great to begin with. “Lounge music” seemed to make a bit of a comeback in the late ‘90s with bands like Combustible Edison, movie soundtracks like Swingers and Four Rooms, and Columbia Records’ excellent *Ultra Lounge * series of compilations, but it has apparently died off again.

Henry Mancini is one of my fav’s, I love his work. most of this stuff hurts my brain though.
and for the Ultra Lounge definitly check out the “Fuzzy Sampler” its pricy but not only has great music its got the coolest Cd cover ever…its leopard print velvet seriously not a picture its the real thing.

This is kinda weird, actually. I’m a big fan of instrumentals, and just finished burning a CD of some of my favorites. Among those were Herb Alpert 's Mexican Shuffle , Paul Mauriat 's Love is Blue , Al Hirt 's Java , and Lawrence Welk 's Calcutta :eek: . Great stuff, IMHO.
I haven’t much familiarity with most of the artists on the site, but just enough of them to realize that I’m not the only one who likes this kind of stuff. Love Henry Mancini , too. To use a contemporary analogy, I guess you could say he was the John Williams of his day–if a film had an instantly recognizable soundtrack, chances are Mancini wrote it.

Cool stuff, Zeldar . Thanks for the link!

Thank you for at least acknowledging the value of this “throwback” genre.

Before (maybe it was while) I learned that jazz was my main interest, there were quite a few of these “exotica” artists I liked about as well as the main jazz available over radio in those days. Martin Denny, Les Baxter, David Carroll, and certainly Mancini. I got every Mancini album until he started in with the RCA Victor “Our Man in _____” series, when he had about gotten himself out of the genre I really preferred.

The Latin albums in the pre-Bossa Nova days were also a big item for me.

Those “stereo demonstration” things didn’t move me very much, but there were several of them I used when I was trying to sell stereo gear back in the early 60’s. They were hot items in those days.

Since the record for phone booth stuffing is 25, maybe enough of us will show up to keep the thread going. :smiley:

I definitely remember Jet Set Pop. In my early teens I really liked Herb Alpert in particular, and still have all his albums from the era. Bossa Nova and Sergio Mendes and Brazil 66 was pretty cool too.

Then the Stones, the Who, and Hendrix came along, and I moved on. Herb Alpert didn’t go so great with weed and mescalin.

Maybe I’ll dust off Whipped Cream and Other Delights and The Lonely Bull and give them a listen tonight.

For a real kick in the caboose from “way back when” give the Selected Tracks a try or, even better, go here and click on “**Listen to Basic Hip’s terrific Space Age Pop Broadcast” ** – assuming you have the Windows Media Player.

Me neither, but damned if I didn’t see the words “geezer music” and open the thread. :frowning:

Stuff belongs in a dentist’s office, about 50 years ago.

And yet I’ll bet your toes were a-tappin’ to the Austin Powers theme, weren’t they? :wink:

Mancini either is, or provided the soundtrack for, God.

Peter Gunn Theme was & is cool.

I’m doing the Baby Elephant Shrew Walk right now.

Although I’m far, far too young to have heard this music when it first came out ( :wink: ), Enoch Light’s Hernando’s Hideaway is one of my favorite songs; I have several others of his on my iPod.

Thanks for the link; it’ll give me some other ideas!

The music of my early childhood. I’m all verklempt.

Only the themes from Perry Mason, Mission: Impossible, and Route 66 can compete. What is sad is that my kids agree; they also think most modern music sux (they’re “scenesters”). There is an apalling disconnect between what is cool and what many young people think is cool, and it’s depressing that IT’S FREAKIN’ TRUE! I would LOVE cool, new music because I get sick of hearing the same, old shit over and over.

No, the drug of choice in that case is the Demon Alcohol. Git likkered up and you can appreciate them better.

And the others, too. It’s not like Mick and the boys limited themselves to the non-fluid routes to Where You are Going. Or do now.

My brother is into Esquivel. Personally I think it sucks, but so it goes.

There’s a Croatian “Surf Rock” band who has a bit of a space age feel to them. Y’all might like this:

ETA: What’s the movie in the video?

Old Geezer music??? I resent that!

Say, has Glenn Miller written anything new lately?

It’s essentially all harp nowadays. FWIW, my wife and I went to a Glenn Miller Orchestra dinner dance at the Opryland Hotel back in 1987 or so. Not a single member of the original band was there, and yet they still played much of the same music with the same arrangements that our parents danced to before we were born and soon thereafter. I remember hearing that music on the radio before I could walk well. More than any other band (at least for me) if you say “War Years” and wonder about the music, it’s Miller’s.

If there are geezers who can take us further back by way of cool websites, please do tack them on here. I used the term Geezer Music to attract attention to the over-50 crowd, not as a definitive genre title. It’s just that the era of the Space Age Pop (as defined and clarified by the OP’s link) seems to cover the span from mid-50’s to late-60’s as a guideline. I’m sure there are some bands, orchestras, combos, and maybe even individual artists in that crowd who still have a following and who may still be performing or recording. But the heyday was surely pre-Rock to early-Rock period.

The fact that I can look back on the music with more of a nostalgic eye and less of a cynical one, persuades me that it played an important part in my musical education. I won’t go as far as calling it the “soundtrack of my life” but I don’t regret the years when I thought it was cool. Now I can just smile when I hear it and realize that, for me at least, it’s not really as corny as it sounds.

Some of it is really Cool. YMMV, but that’s why we have salt and pepper and Tabasco sauce.