General Hair thread: stuff that promotes hair growth.

So, I decided to try out this stuff called Thuja Occidentalis.

If you don’t know what it is, it’s the oil of eastern white cedar (thuja occidentalis)
It is often used to treat a wide variety of skin problems such as skin tags, acne, and psoriasis.
A friend of mine used it to treat his acne on his forehead, a skin tag on his arm, and a skin tag on his eyebrow.

It seemed to have worked for him because his acne and skin tags disappeared. One thing in particular I noticed was that the missing hairs on his left eyebrow grew back after the skin tag disappeared.
I was wondering what effect it has on hair. I’m not balding or anything, but I would like to have a low hairline. Before I try it on my hairline, I’ll first use it on my pubes for about two weeks and see if it has any effect.
Anyone else know more about this stuff?

What effect will you be looking for in regards to changes in your pubic hair? More of it? Are your pubes thinning??

Does it say homeopathic on the label?

I was hoping to see an increase in hair growth. My pubes are thin because I use to shave them with a razor, and that killed some of my hair follicles.

If it works on my pubes, then I will apply it to my hairline and eyebrows.

What?? I shave my pubes with a razor and I haven’t “killed” any follices. I didn’teven know that was possible. So you are hoping to re-generate these dead follicles then? Or sprout new ones? Or both??

Stuff that promotes hair growth? Sex. Lots and lots of sex.

Whatever my nose and ears are producing, if I could bottle it, would make me a millionaire.

You see. JustinC, though modest, is having Lots and Lots of S-E-X. C’mon JustinC, confess … confess… Do tell. :slight_smile:

  1. If you are taking homeopathetic doses, then you’re not getting any benefit at all.
  2. According to WebMD, if you’re getting the straight stuff you are getting a chemical called Thujone that can cause low blood pressure, asthma, seizures, and death.

Yep. Especially seizure and death…

Besides Rogain, (topical) which was originally an oral B/P med and Propicia (I don’t know anything about) the only thing I know of that grows hair anywhere is cyclosporin. It will grow hair on your nipples, but you don’t get to decide where it grows. And the side effects aren’t anything to look forward to.

Well, my glaucoma eye drops are sure making my eyelashes grow long and thick. The doc said they might. You could get a scrip for Lumigan and try rubbing it on.

Or you could start doing anabolic steroids. Then your head hair will fall out and your back hair will grow!:cool: