Generational "curses"?

it is very early in the morning here. The tv is babbling in the background. There is one of those churchy types blokes telling me whats what.

According to him, if the grandparent is a moderate drinker (non believers this is :rolleyes: ) the parent will be a heavy drinker and the grandchild will be an alcoholic. If the grandparent had ‘naughty’ thoughts, the parent will act on them and the grandchild is headed for whoredom.

My child’s father killed himself. Research shows that children of suicide are more likely to do the same (no I am not providing a cite just now, cause I can’t be arsed at the moment, but will if the need arises)

So my child is cursed? Or will the fact that we have an open relationship and I have never hidden from him what his dad did nor blamed his father (or anyone else) for what he did, but instead promoted communication help?

Personally I think the tv loony is just that, but I do worry about the example his father left.

oh i’m not about to take up believing in god to “save” the child.

Ok i’m in one of those more depressed then depressed can be (as evidenced by all my latest posts) pleeeeeeeeeeease can a mod make this thread vanish. Thank you

It sounds like the telly is just trying to scare straight any listeners.

I don’t have much experience in these matters but what you’re doing sure sounds right and is the most responsible, honest and caring course of action.

You can email a mod to close this but chances are if you leave it open some very good advice will be forthcoming. Good luck calm kiwi. You sure seem like one of the good ones. :slight_smile:

Thank you lieu, coming from you that means a lot. I’m just having a bad day and it’s only 8:30! lol