Geocaching Dopers show me the power of the Dope!

I’m in a Travel Bug race with a bunch of friends from work and I need your help to win! This is my TB and it’s currently in Pennsylvania in Ghost Town Trail # 2 Cache What I’d like to do is beat the pants off the other racers! :smiley: so if you live near the cache and can move it in a westerly direction (the farther the better!) I would be forever in you debt. :dubious:

Isn’t that … umm… cheating?

I don’t think so…

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Geocacher in Colorado here, which is on the way. Get it here and I’ll move it further for you if possible :slight_smile:

You’re damn lucky I do go get it myself just for the Mustang! :wink: I’d like to help you out but the best I could do is move it further to the south here in Maryland and I’m sure you don’t want that now do you?

Well maybe if you could get it to the airport! :wink: I own a big one almost like it except for the convertible part, same color and everything. :cool:

Call me a dumbass but…what the heck is Geocaching?

High tech treasure hunting with a GPS. This explains it pretty well.

Hey, that’s kinda cool. I just did a search for fun to see if there are any near men, and there is one across the street (and maybe in) the hospital I use to work at, less than am ile from my place!

I just learned this morning that the cache will be buried in the snow very soon making finding it near to impossible! :eek: I really don’t want to wait till spring thaw to see movement. So if you live nearby and don’t mind a round trip hike of 2 miles…

Hey! it’ll be good for ya! :smiley:

Thanks in advance,
VenusProbe ( owner of MERS Racer #3)

Arizona / Connecticut Geocacher here and I think what you are proposing is not necessarily cheating but certainly bending the rules in your favor.

I was on a great hunt recently to a new cach in Rhode Island, when I got to the site with my wife I noticed it wasn’t there. THEN I started doing a circular pattern around the site to see if some unsuspecting newbe moved it… Nope…So we gave up and headed back.

My point is, geocaching is so fun because there is a certain amount of competitive edge involved. And When that is swayed in someone elses favor it loses it’s appeal…

That said:

So I’ll make a special trip to PA just to grab the new stash…C-ya!
Just kidding. :slight_smile:

I thought we were talking about geocaching, not a dating service. :wink: