Geomagnetic storm watch for tonight - Northern Lights could be visible in lower latitudes

“The Northern Lights are typically only visible in the northern most parts of the United States, such as Maine, northern Michigan and upstate New York. However, due to the severity of the storm, we are expected to see the lights stretch further south.”

Unfortunately, not south enough to see here in Memphis. :slightly_frowning_face: Hopefully, some of you will get the opportunity.

I just heard on the news that they MAY be visible in rural Iowa, if you’re away from city lights.

Possibly NJ… if it’s not cloudy…

But sadly it will be cloudy. But I’m hoping. Probably far too much light pollution in my town though.

Same. Light pollution from NYC will cut down visibility a lot… but lets not forget neighbors who like to light up their backyards at night like Citifield.

Clouds clouds clouds clouds clouds –

I’ll take another look in a while. But, judging by the weather report, it’ll continue to be clouds clouds clouds.

Clouds clouds and now light rain here, all night :frowning:

Hoping that the solar storm will linger long enough so that some of it is visible tomorrow night when the sky should be clear.

The clouds cleared up for a little while here in Chicago but couldn’t see anything. Of course, Chicago, we barely see the brightest stars and planets here.

I have hopes, but no expectations. We might be able to see them on the horizon, if we ditch the city lights and head to higher ground.

Seeing the lights is something I really hope to accomplish someday.


So we’re at “someone should go check on our satellites?”

No clouds, but didn’t see any NL – I am in town near a street light but it isn’t super urban – I can see a fair amount of stars.


It continued to be clouds clouds clouds. With a little rain mixed in; which I would very much like to be able to send to someplace that needs it, we’ve had 4.7" this week and we weren’t dry before that.

Anybody know whether this was a one-night deal, or whether it might happen again tonight or the next?

That’ll hurt the ham radio performance this weekend. There’s a major contest, too.

It’s raining in Brussels too, and this city (the whole country, actually) is famous for being excessively well lit. Damn! I may well die before I ever see the lights.

"As of Sunday, most of the mainland US was not expected to see any more of the northern lights this weekend, CNN meteorologist Haley Brink said.

But ‘Aurora may be visible at high latitudes such as Canada and Alaska,’ the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center said Sunday."

Thanks for info, even though it’s not what I’d hoped for.

And great username-post combination!