Geopolitical ramification of instantaneous depopulation

Choose any national conflict going on somewhere in the world right now. By definition of “conflict”, there must be at least two sides.

For a particular “friendly” side, choose a border encompassing where the “enemy” side is located.

Overnight, every human mysteriously disappears within that border. There is no physical remnants of those people, but everything else remains (cars, houses, plants, animals, etc.). If it contained human DNA, it’s gone. Men, women and children are gone. Combatants from both sides are equally vanished if they were located within the border during the event.

There is no proof that the friendlies did this or that they even have this capability. Any cameras pointed at people during the event record only static.

How would the world react to such an event? Who would claim the empty territory?

I suppose enemy ex-pats may want to reclaim their homeland. At first, most settlers would be reluctant to move to a place where so many have “died”. But over time, people would get over that phobia when the event never repeats again.

If someone inherit property from the affected area, are they really in any position to defend it?

Would the world allow the friendly side to move settlers in and claim the territory? Or would it become a permanent no man’s land?

Some concrete examples: If the Israelis wake up one morning and found all the Palestinians were gone, would that conflict end?

If the United States discovered that Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya and North Korea were suddenly empty, I suppose the first thing that happens is the President orders Seal Team Six into Pakistan and North Korea to secure the nukes. But what happens after? Do we send more troops or just cut our military budget accordingly?

That sounds like it would dramatically supercede whatever tensions we have over political ideology, natural resources, theology, land, etc. that tend to lead us to conflict. I think the entire world would come together to try to figure out what happened, and the area would be off limits until they knew.

I’m not sure I share your optimistic outlook on the world coming together. People would be freaked out, but unless they believed it would happen again, it would be business as usual. And you have the usual human suspicion of others.

Japan didn’t surrender after Hiroshima. If the United States never explained what happened and didn’t drop on Nagasaki, would the world come together?

If you feel my fantastic hypothetical must have an explanation, scientists discover the subconscious psychic “will” of one or more persons in the friendly side somehow wished the enemy into the quantum corn field. But it is calculated that the likelihood of recurrence for such an event is greater than the heat death of the universe by many orders of magnitude such that it is effectively impossible.

Okay, here is a more realistic scenario. An outbreak of rapid onset Spanish sniffles takes out everyone in South Korea. The accelerated contagion rates make it spread fast, but the rapid death rate also reduces the number carriers, making the disease die off quickly.

North Korea rushes in and fills the vacuum. How does the world react? NK has a long-standing claim on the land and they will fight ferociously to defend it.

Or a more unbalanced scenario has mainland China buying the farm and tiny Taiwan staking their claim on the land.

Well, at any given time there must be thousands of South Koreans travelling abroad, including (I’d assume) government officials, cabinet members, etc. who might be in the presidential line of succession, so some kind of recognizable claim should exist. I imagine the Americans would be suitably annoyed and involved, as some 37,000 of their troops have just vanished and I don’t expect they’d let the North just move in, even if it required significant force to discourage them.

I daresay the result depends hugely on whether or not some major-power strategic interest is involved. If the entire population of (say) Lesotho got sick and quickly died, I can picture South Africa quarantining and eventually annexing the territory with nary a peep of international protest.

I think the Jaapnese are the best real Life examples of depopuklation recently and historically. What with Hiroshima and Fukushima.