George Bush: stupidest man of the entire Universe?


Weird. The img tag is not working.

Er, no.

that picture proves nothing, his actions do. . . stupid indeed

That’s because images are disabled on the SDMB.

If you’d like folks to look at the picture, you might want to see if you can find a link without the XXXPorntalk in it (I saw it on fark a couple of days ago).

Nope, not the stupidest.

The stupidest person in the Universe would be the one who clicks on a link to a “xxxporntalk” site provided by a newbie while at work…

Nothing weird about it. The image tag is turned off to save bandwidth and to stop people posting material on the site that is covered by copy write etc. There’s also the issue of bandwidth theft and threads like “Post you desktop” didn’t help either.

As to the OP. I actually saw a docu the other night which followed Bush on the campaign trail. He came across as a quick, smart guy. I was shocked and stunned :wink:

Funny that he crashed one of those however. I was told it was impossible :smiley:

Good lord. I’m anti bush, and even I find it annoying how the millitant anti-bush people jump on anything they can to make bush look bad.

Crashing a segway is impossible, unless you’ve failed to turn it on, which is what Dubya didn’t do.

“What do you mean I have to turn it on?!?”

You make an interesting point here. I guess that the pro Bush folks are now getting an idea of how the pro Clinton folks felt during knobslobgate. :stuck_out_tongue:


I understand the copyright concerns and bandwidth theft issue, but I’m curious: how does posting an image not stored on the SDMB’s servers “save bandwidth”?

If I post an noncopyrighted image that resides on my own server (so I’m not horking someone else’s bandwidth), how does that impact the SDMB servers in any way?

Isn’t all that gets loaded a line of HTML that tells the viewer’s browser to fetch the image from my server?

I’m not contesting the policy – as noted, there are other good reasons for it – but I’ve heard “save bandwidth/spare the hamsters” bandied about as a reason and I’ve never been clear on why that would be accurate.


Well, if the board had image attachments turned on, and not just the image tag, that would suck a lot of bandwidth indeed.

DCU, it doesn’t waste SDMB bandwidth, it wastes processor cycles on the computer that’s serving the images. If a thread gets 2000 views, and an image in one of the posts is hosted on a 486 running Microsoft Personal Web Server with a 56K modem, that machine will take a nice performance hit.

He’s obviously going from a fakie to an ollie. Or something.

Ford was always made out to be a clumsy oaf. Yet, he was an All-American football player in college. Ford slipped on ice, ferchrisakes. Quayle is a fantastic golfer. Apparently great athleticism may not be directly linked to presidential acumen. Dayam. What a shock.

Here, Bush eats it on a Segway. So?

Not really. The stupidest person in the Universe would be the one who doesn´t realize that this is direct link to a PICTURE, not to an entire page.

And why there IS an IMG button in that Post Reply options page?:smack:

I am not sure who you think doesn’t realize that. My point was that it was at a site called xxxporntalk. That doesn’t make it seem very work friendly no matter what the picture is called.

It won’t matter if it’s a pic or a whole page, when they check the records of visited links they’ll see he(she?) was viewing porn site while working. I imagine the penalty will be the same if it were a page or just a pic.

From below the post box:
HTML code is Off
vB code is On
Smilies are On
[IMG] code is Off

The [img] tag above is static, it will stay that way (Warning:WAG) unless you hack the vB.