German language help needed. Car cigar lighter?

I need to find the cigar lighter fuse on a E36 BMW 316 but the diagram is in German. What could be the word for cigar lighter?



I searched the diagram for all the words from here dictionary :: cigarette lighter :: English-German translation or any word containing zigarett or feuer but couldn’t find any.

Zigarettenanzünder is better :wink:

I had to guess at the year, and could only find 318 (not 316) so this could be wrong: fuse 32. That’s for the front lighter - it’s different for the rear lighter or a charging socket.

Thanks Gary! In the meantime I found this: BMW E36 Fuse Box / Relay Layout | BMW E36 Blog which also agrees.

Looks like No 32 is the winner. Problem is the owner had to go and left with the car :stuck_out_tongue: When he comes back I will write the word down because I am quite sure I couldn’t find anything with zigarett or feuer. :confused: