German physicists claim to have broken lightspeed barrier

Story in the Telegraph:

Should we get all excited about this, or regard it with the same skepticism as Steorn’s “Orbo” perpetual-motion machine?

I vote scepticism. If they’re right, there’s always time to get excited about it later when subsequent independent experimentation backs it up.

Whereas if we get all happy now and it turns out to be fake, we look like idiots.

I note that the prisms were only 3 feet apart… I can see there being a bit of error with the stopwatch over that short a distance.

I’m not skeptical, I’m just uncertain.

Mr Moto, of all the times I’ve wanted to punch you, none equal my desire to punch you right now. :wink:

Two words: Cold Fusion.

I’m skeptical of these “microwave photons” that travel 3’ instantaneously.

People typically get the phase velocity and group velocity confused with these kind of experiments, even physicists.

I’ll read the link and see if I can tell what they were doing…


From here:

I remain skeptical. I wasn’t aware that the group velocity of evanescent waves was anything special. I have done work on coupling evanecent waves when looking at near-field storage techniques. I’ts going to take a little more reading, but I still think it is unlikely…

I think this is a cut above Steorn’s “Orbo” perpetual-motion machine, but I will await a good peer review and some duplication of experiment before I get excited.
Anyone know what microwaved photons taste like btw? And can you get them in butter or nacho flavored?


They are an excellent light snack. :smiley:

For that someone should send your parents a stern letter.

No fair! They changed the result by measuring it!

Actually, they’ve done a few weird things which can push lightspeed, but only under very odd circumstances, circumstances which make it utterly impossible in actual real life.

I understand there’s few trees in California, but are we likely to find a convenient lampost?

A laboratory is as much a part of “real life” as anywhere else.

My intention is not to rain on anyone’s parade, but an article on Ars Technica fairly lucidly analyzes why this experiment, like many that have come before it, is not the end of Einstein’s theory.

Bottom line: if it doesn’t mean you could transmit information faster than light, no big deal.

Recent experiments at US Navy research facility in San Diego show this could be real, other groups have duplicated the experiments.

That sounds interesting if true, cite?

Of course you know this means that a mad German scientist will now use this technology to go back in time and bring back Hitler.