German physicists claim to have broken lightspeed barrier

Not again! At least the Soviets won’t conquer Europe this time.

So I guess it’s pretty unfortunate that you can’t simultaneously be arbitrarily certain of where he is and how fast he’s going, huh?


This article seems to have the most information including the scientist from Berkeley that replicated the results

Thank you for that. It was simple and convincing.

So we’ve finally achieved Ludicrous Speed?

No, not exactly. They can use some particularly weird circumstances to force some ludicrously small particle or bit of energy to jump faster than light. But you’ll NEVER see it in nature, and it takes advantage of some weird quantum entanglements effect or some other Star-Trekish technobabble, and it’s totally useless for any practical application, ever.

Does anyone else feel like Charlie Brown listening to the teacher talk? Please don’t explain. I’ll google around later to see how much backfill I need before that starts making sense.

It’ll be fun.

Wouldn’t they be fast food?

…they’ve gone plaid?

Naah, they’re better than Mickey D’s. Thay give you a nice healthy glow.

No, wait, that’s Chernobyl Chicken.

How do you know that?

That is exaclty right.

Nothing new to see here. Some particles behave like they have mass and some don’t. The ones that have mass have relativistic effects and the others do too. To a point.

I think we should get excited about it. Nothing is impossible if you can imagine it. That’s what being a scientist is all about!

You never see Baked Alaska in nature either. What does that have to do with anything?

Wierd quantum entanglements do occasionally turn out to be useful. Lasers, superconductors, josephson junctions, SQUIDS, tunneling and atomic force microscopes…

The apparent violation of C probably can’t be used to transmit information, anymore than the instant collapse of waveform in the Bell experiments can. It doesn’t mean the thing won’t be useful.

All I know is, I want to be entangled with the lead singer of Evanesence.

Just going by what they said some years back when they broke it. This isn’t the first time. But it relied on ridiculous and impossible conditions to attain a useless result -one which inherently couldn’t be used on anything mankind might actually care about, including information. It’s been awhile and I don’t recall the eact specifics.

Hmmm. I’m still not impressed. The only evidence they’ve added is the cheapest and least reliable method for nuetron detection available. As one person noted in that article, the amount they measured would have resulted in them being fried. It reminds me of P&F’s ‘burned a hole in the floor’ claims. Tritium does not impress me either, its a notorious contaminant.

The lack of independent, consistant replication is also bothersome.

Something is happening in those chambers, but they have yet to convince me its anything other than a poor chemical battery.

Those photons are maniacs, and I hope the cosmic traffic cops pull them over.

That was worth the $15 alone. :slight_smile:


You got that backwards! Skeptics tried to attribute the results to background radiation from an unknown source, or cosmic rays… the researchers refuted this by stating that any background radiation powerful enough to influence the test would have cooked them.