German Translation Question

My wife got some shampoo for a new $300 wig and got some shampoo with instructions in German. I used Babelfish to translate, but in the Attention! part there is one sentence I want to make sure I get right. It goes:
Das Haar nun unter lauwarmem fließendem Wasser klarspülen.

Babel fish translated it:
The hair non under lukewarm, flowing water clear-rinse.

I think it says not to rinse it off, but why add details like clear rinse and luke warm if it is something I am not supposed to do?

Nun is simply a local or slang variation of ‘nur’ – meaning only.

The phrase translates as,

Only rinse under lukewarm, flowing water.

Also, there must be an additional error in the Babelfish database – “nun” is most usually translated as “now”. The “non” must have been a typo.

Though Gonz007 is correct with the interpretation (nur) as a warning. (If it’d been a list of instructions, that would be different.)

Thanks for the answers. The error was in my database. I reran the phrase again and got:
The hair now under lukewarm flowing water clear-rinse

note the “now”, I guess I mistyped and it fed through untranslated.