German you learned from "Hogan's Heroes"

I have a client from Germany. Because my last name shows that I have German ancestry, he asked if I speak the language.

I told him that the only German I know if from watching Hogans Heroes.

I recall hearing “schnell, schnell!” quite often on the show, but at the moment I can’t remember other German words they used on the show.

What other German do you recall them using?


Jawohl, Mangosteen Burkhalter!

I see nossing !

Heil, somebody-or-other.


It wasn’t so much vocabulary I learned, as pronunciation. For example, German tends to elongate vowels, like Hohhhhhh GAAAAAAAAAAAAN!

“Raus.” It means “out”. Schultz uses it when ushering them out of the barracks.

I learned “Scheisskopf” from Catch-22.. Does that count?

Nein! Verboten! Wasser. (From the episode where they shipped heavy water to Stalag 13.)

You know for all the craziness that gets debated about Hogan’s Heroes…I never hear anything about the brave casting of Ivan Dixon.

Der Krieg ist zu Ende! (The war is over!)

An Oberkellner is a headwaiter. Was ist los?!? (What’s going on here?!?)

In the sergeants’ mess, they serve *Sauerbraten *and potato pancakes. *Sehr *gut! (Very good!) :o


We recently watched the run on Netfilx. I was impressed that in the first couple of seasons, even though Kitch was a lower rank than Cater, he was clearly second in command.


Alles ist verbotten.

Apfel Strudel! Strudel ist wunderbar!

Ivan Dixon played a washed-up boxer in an early episode of ***Twilight ******Zone ***that was on the other night. I didn’t even recognize him!

Verboten! This time, I must tell the Kommandant!

“It would be my LIFE!”

Now, thanks to google translate, when there is a sign on a wall, I stop the DVD and have the machine translate it. Most (but not all) the time, it is correct German, and even can clarify the scene, like if the sign on the building says “Waffen” it isn’t the SS.

I also learned important French: Sacres chats!

Open up! Zis iss ze Gestapo! was always good for a chuckle from the laugh track. :cool: