Get your Humongous Dicks (rant) here!

Naw, I don’t expect you to do anything for our conveience, I expect whoever needs to use the toilet to have mastered the mechanics of the whole up vs. down dynamic of the toilet seat.

Richard Pryor routine:

“Man, this water’s cold!”
“Yeah, and it’s deep, too…”

Amen, sister. Why is it so hard for some people to accept that technique is what gets it, not size. Furthermore, sometimes smaller is better where technique is concerned anyway. It’s nice when the man can get his penis all the way inside the woman’s vagina without causing her discomfort, and then the man can stimulate the woman’s clitoris (which is central to the female orgasm) directly with his pubic area. Also, the data seem to suggest that the smaller-dicked guys can recover an erection sooner after an orgasm, and can squeeze more orgasms into a lovemaking session; of course that could be attributed to higher levels physical fitness. More research is needed. Maybe the guys who pay the most attention to technique are the ones with the smaller dicks-- they’re not under the foolish illusion that quantity is going to carry them.

An ex of mine refered to this as ‘big dick syndrome.’

As for your other points, I have to question the validity… men can be multi-orgasmic, especially with proper training/practice. I’m not aware of the size of a man’s penis having anything to do with refractory period or the capability for multiple orgasms.

Yes-- further research is definitely needed.

I got a question.

Unless you’re on one end of the Pole-Nub spectrum, how does a guy really know how he stacks up? The freak show who bruises his knees when he walks or the guy who’s barely got enough to hang on to when he pees-they know who they are.
Cuz I’m prolly right about average, but I’ve had two fo the three wimmin I was with gasp about the size o that thing. My response was a quick :dubious: and an ID check just to make sure I wasn’t with a kid. So the other side of the OP, if I may, is whassup with wimmin thinking they gotta say anything at all about mass? Surely they realize that simply giving it any attention at all is enough to pretty much guarantee a repeat performance? No need to go sounding like you’re a guru of girth. That might suggest you have an intimidating amount of experience.

Maybe it’s just me though.

le sigh.
The burdens of research!

(accompanied by the sound of millions of zippers being unzipped)

All right – what’s needed is a deep, probing inquiry to penetrate this mystery.

Who’s getting it up, then?

I’ve got all the data right here…oops. Never mind. :frowning:

Now that would be an interesting thread for MPSIMS.

“Doper sex research exchange.”

Unless people signed up expecting it to be Doper sex exchange research.

I guess we could solve the problem by calling the thread

Have Sex With Other Dopers for Science!

Hmmmmmm… That might be one way to jack up the subscription rate.

As long as potential subscribers weren’t jacking off to the thought. ~rimshot~


I always sit to pee. I’ve always done it this way; I really don’t have a good reaason except that I loathe wiping the toilet seat when I’m done.

I’m gay, if that makes any difference.

I did it last… Tuesday, I think. And I’m not that big. I’m talking sit-down toilet, here, not urinal. The worst thing is, you can’t do anything about it, because it’s a public restroom. You can’t go wash your dick off in the sink. You just gotta towel it off and try not to think about the guy who last used that toilet, and what sort of exotic intestinal parasites he might have had.

Guh. Makes me want to boil my willie just remembering it.

'least it wasn’t one of these

Well consider this, you are going to sit no matter what, and you don’t want to sit down only to find there’s no seat. Self preservation dictates you look at what you’re sitting down on to be sure you don’t splash. If you’re stupid enough to take a chance, that’s your problem.

If men squirt on the seat, men who sit and women who sit have an equal chance of sitting on someones splatter. That means anyone sitting has to look, put the seat down and make sure their ass doesn’t wind up smelling like urine when they stand up.

I would guess most guys who don’t bother to put the seat up don’t mind sitting in piss when they have to take a dump or they’re tired of their misandrist wife or girlfriends condescention and do it on purpose.


My name’s Richard.
I’m 6’4" and over 300#.

Tell me that’s not a “big Dick”.

Actually, one of the funniest things I heard was a radio program where the hosts were “interviewing” women married to famous men named Richard.
They called the bit “Chicks with Dicks”.

GrizzWife doesn’t think it’s so funny, though.
'Cuz shes a chick with a “big Dick”.


In the interests of science – and to advance the fight against ignorance – I volunteer to take (at least) one for the team and conduct thorough examinations and (hopefully) in-depth research. Direct observation is preferred, but photographic evidence will be considered (and kept . . . for the records, of course).

It’ll be a hard job, but someone’s got to do it.

In my thread? I’m so honored! :smiley: