I’m trying to rent a car on-line for an upcoming trip. Being only 24, this presents a bit of a problem. A zillion sites will quote me rates and compare prices, but only some of the companies will rent to those under 25, and those that do charge a premium, which varies from company to company and is never stated explicitly anywhere. Is there any way for me to comparison shop for prices on the web, or do I have to call every company individually and mention my age to get an accurate price quote?
It depends where you are and are going.
has some info…but I suggest you google in the town where you are renting…
I just rented a car last weekend. Call your local Enterprise; I cannot recommend them enough; they are great. As long as you’ve got at least liability coverage on your own car, they’ll rent to you even if you’re under 25. (IIRC their rules go as follows: 18-21 year olds must have full coverage on their personal vehicles. 21 and up can get away with liability only. Their rules may vary from state to state though.)
They’ll even rent to you without a credit card but be forewarned: it’s a pain. You’ve got to cough up a lot of proof of identity, income, etc., and put down a $150 cash deposit, but you do get it back provided you don’t kill the car and bring it back in time. (AFAIK they’re the only rental company that will deal with people without a credit card.)
Ask lots of questions, especially about specials. Their website can be misleading. Sometimes you can get an even better deal if you book the reservation through their website – and your local representatives can do that for you, move stuff around and get you a killer deal. They make money by putting you in a car so I don’t see any reason why they wouldn’t make an effort for you.