I’ve been smoking since I was fifteen, although I’ve never smoked inside any of my places. Recently, I’ve been spending a lot of late nights online and just have been too lazy to go out to the garage or outside.
Now it STINKS in here! Yuck! I’m planning on quitting this summer, and I’m not going to smoke inside any more, but what do I do about this nasty stench? Any quick ways to get rid of it besides lots of airing out? Help!
“I’ve got a DungeonMaster’s guide, I’ve got a twelve-sided die, I’ve got Kitty Pryde and Nightcrawler too, waiting there for me, yes I do.”
Weezer-In the Garage
Febreeze will get the smell out of upholstery, drapes, etc.
If it’s too cold where you are to open windows, then light some candles, or spray some Lysol – they have an unscented variety, I think.
I swore I wasn’t going to smoke in my new car, but I did. Could just kick myself now. I really notice the stink when I get in after not driving for a couple of days. The Febreeze works there too though.
Still planning to quit, then we’ll just have the pet smells to deal with.
Try candles, the flame “eats” the smoke and will definately help. You can bye “smoke eater” candles but I don’t know if they are any better than a regular candle.
Febreeze will get the smell out of your furniture and stuff.
Baking soda is quite efficient at absorbing smells(thats why you put it in your fridge if you’re going to be away for a while…) but probably the easiest thing to do in your case is just open the windows and let the room air out a bit. If this isn’t an option(like if you live in the northern regions) then some incense combined with a touch of febreeze or air freshener will do the trick nicely.
Thanks for the help everyone. With a little luck, and your advice, I will be smoke free(in the house) again!
“I’ve got a DungeonMaster’s guide, I’ve got a twelve-sided die, I’ve got Kitty Pryde and Nightcrawler too, waiting there for me, yes I do.”
Weezer-In the Garage
Something that I learned not too long ago. I recently quit smoking. I had a box of fabric softner in my truck. I don’t remember how it got there. I used to smoke in my truck, but I’ve had that box of opened fabric softner in there for quite sometime, and it doesn’t smell of smoke in there… hasn’t for a while. Just 2 cents.
“Rolling with the dopes you know. Rolling with the wrong gun on you”
“I dream that she aims to be the bloom upon my misery”
Chief, as you know, it’s a very hard thing to quit. During the summer I devote a lot of time to cycling. I average around 100 miles a week, which isn’t much, but it is enough to keep me motivated not to smoke while I am doing it, if only because of the inherent contradiction between the two activities. During the winter, when I am a lot more sedentary, the smoking picks up. If I can drop it for a substantial amount of time during the summer, I think I can stay off it. Flawed logic? Maybe. But, whatever works right?
“I’ve got a DungeonMaster’s guide, I’ve got a twelve-sided die, I’ve got Kitty Pryde and Nightcrawler too, waiting there for me, yes I do.”
Weezer-In the Garage
Once the smell is gone, put fabric softener in a papertowel tube, and when you exhale your smoke, blow it thru this device. You’ll never stink up your place again (with smoke anyways)
Anyway, the best way is to cover them with better smoke molecules. To do this make a fire in the fireplace, this works. Have done it.
Maybe some incense is better if you don’t want to put a bbq with some pine or oak & burn it in the room.
I have absolutely no idea if this will work. I read it somewhere a long time ago.
Fill your sink up with cool water. Add lemon juice and vinegar. Dip a towel into the water, then wring it out until it’s damp.
Then, whirl the towel over your head.
I don’t know if this was the author’s idea of a practical joke, or if there’s actually a chance that it might work, but if it doesn’t, you’re only out some lemon juice, vinegar, and a little dignity.
Dude, now you know very well, the last thing we need is more bong hits…
“I’ve got a DungeonMaster’s guide, I’ve got a twelve-sided die, I’ve got Kitty Pryde and Nightcrawler too, waiting there for me, yes I do.”
Weezer-In the Garage
Look for a product called Fire D. It’s made by Big D Industries. It’s made for clearing the air after a fire, but works just as well for cigarette & cigar smoke. It’s a fogger (kinda like a bug fogger) and after you use it, you’ll never be able to tell anyone had smoked in the area. For severe smoke, you may have to use two.