Getting to Second Base

Do baseball players always follow their coaches’ orders? If a coach gives someone on first the signal to steal second, and he doesn’t make the attempt, will he catch flak for it? Or if the manager tells the pitcher to intentionally walk Barry Bonds if there is more than one person on base, and he pitches to him anyway, will the manager threaten to take him out of the game?

I’m sure they would catch hell. And probably get splinters for awhile.

I would imagine the outcome would determine the amount of ire brought on. If Barry cracks a homer and wins the game, I would imagine anything ranging from a reprimand to being suspended by the team for a game.

Steals are on a “green light” basis. If you get the sign, it is then up to you to go if/when you think you can make it. Some good base stealers have a permanant green light unless told otherwise.

Bunts, hit & runs and intentional walks are non-optional.

Crap, you mean it isn’t a dating thread? :confused:

A pitcher refusing to intentionally walk a batter on the order of his manager is in for some big trouble. Removal from the game and a fine would be in order.

As for not stealing second, as mentioned above, unless it’s a hit and run situation, no one is ever “ordered” to steal second. If the runner doesn’t feel he got a good jump, he should go back. Getting thrown out is a very bad thing.

It would be pretty counterproductive to refuse to intentionally walk a hitter, anyway, as presumably the catcher is not in on this little scheme and is preparing for a nice gentle outside pitch…not a 95 mph fastball on the inside corner.

In minor league baseball, I had a coach that would scream “Steal Second!” at the baserunner on first base from the dugout. I don’t know which team he meant to put on edge with this tactic but it sure worked, either way.