Gingy in Chicago

Better late than never, I suppose. I’m flying in to Chicago en route to Calgary, and I have two hours to kill. I will be at O’Hare from approximately 4:53 pm until 6:44 pm. I figure that leaves about an hour to kill.

Anyone want to meet me there? We will be leaving home for the airport in about an hour, so time is of the essence.


Are those arrival and departure times, or have you already factored in unboarding and boarding times? Because you need to be at the departing gate at least 1/2 hour before the plane leaves, and you should figure in at least 15 minutes after the plane lands to actually get at the gate. Plus 15 to 30 minutes to find your new gate.

I’m about a half hour from there, but I’ll be busy … sorry.

Nah, s’okay, I contacted who I wanted to meet up with and it’s all good. I’m coming through again on Tuesday, though - anyone interested? The times are 6:23 pm to 9:23 pm arrive/depart.