Well, it’s good to see the school dealt with it in a appropriate manner. :rolleyes: I really don’t understand why we have school shootings with schools like this one’s attitudes towards bullying. I know my own school’s bullying policy of “OK guys, stop picking on him. I mean it, for serious, don’t do it again, ok?” is very effective.
“We’re sorry you got abused. So we’re telling you to go to summer school, which is usually for people who slacked off during the regular school time and got bad grades.”
How does Zero Tolerance not apply to this?
I’m hoping the parents sue the school. It’s too bad the worst the kid can get is probably juvie,
I have the school’s address if people wish to write them about this.
In the text of the article, the administration admits that the student in question DID have a knife! And he’s still at school! An incident, in a public school, where a handicapped student is harassed, threatened with bodily harm, then set on fire, and the logical response is to bar her from school? :eek: :mad:
If I were this girl’s mother, …well, I honestly don’t know what I’d do. This sort of fuck up is so flabbergasting that I’m having difficulty formulating a response to it.
Will she also remove the poor grades she got on her transcript and only make her attend the last few weeks of summer school because she was nearly done with her own school year?
Is that all? I had to attend counseling as well. “So Stuffy, why do you think these kids have a problem with you.” Getting beat up was soooo much fun back in the olds days.
Not much gets a rise out of me, I have a sense of humor as dark as coal, and normally don’t care what happens to people outside of my family and friends, but stories like this severely piss me off. I was picked at at every school I’ve attended since second grade, and I still have violent dreams every now and then of the people that used to harrass me. The principles, teachers, and school counslers never did shit for me, and to read this…I’m just sickened and disturbed. Something is not working here.
I have finally made some sort of peace with the horrid three years of middle school I suffered through. This year. I left that place in 1990. I will never quit being pissed as all hell about it, but I refuse to let those bastards poison my daily life any more.
I would love to see what would have happened if the school had told me not to come back. Oh boy.
It’s time to call in the lawyers. More than time. Oh yeah.