Girls — do you like long hair on guys?


How about “terminal length” pony tail?

It’s clean, I try to trim the ends (and the overly-curly ones which tangle and wrap up others)and comb it out twice a day.

It is now crotch length and slowing.

If it reaches my knees, I’ll have to re-consider.

Heh, yeah, what can I say? I wish none of my zombies would ever reappear, but one has to make the best of things.

I agree with this completely. This is especially true, for me, if the guy is bald on top and has a ponytail.

Q: What about those guys with the rock star hair extensions? The ones who look like they just change the cartridges on the top of their heads with a new mop-and-glow hairstyle every other month?

The ones that are so bad that even looking at their picture makes your nose start to fill up with the memory-smell of Pinesol?