So it seems that at least on of the former Guantanamo Bay Holiday Camp visitors has returnedto his native habitat and is back in the jihad business. So now the pressing question of “what do we do with the current inhabitants of the facility if we DO close it?” is even more relevant.
How about implanting tracking devices in each of the prisoners? Do we have anything like that? Something with like a 3-year battery that can transmit an identity signal with a range of about 10 miles? That would be a cool way to hit OBL wouldn’t it? Just folow these nutjobs around the globe til we think one’s paying him a visit than lob a cruise missile into the neighborhood.
Maybe not. So then why bother closing the place down? Because it seems like at least some of them shouldn’t be wandering around amongst the peoples. Maybe we just stop worry about interrogating them–the hardcore will take their secrets to the grave, and the rest will just make stuff up anyway, and just detain them indefinitely in otherwise humane conditions with full Red Cross/Crescent access?
Not sure, but every prisoner who gets released from Guantanamo is a political time bomb for Obama. Not saying that’s the way it should be, but it’s the way it is. Because you know that it only takes one of them to commit another terrorist act and he’s going to be the Republicans’ Willie Horton in 2012.
If they’ve been convicted of a crime, they serve their sentence. Once that’s done, we deport them, and they’re some other country’s problem. If they return to a life of terrorism and we catch them again, they go back in prison for longer this time.
I assumed we wouldn’t just shut the doors and turn everyone loose with a slap on the back. I thought they would house them in LEGAL facilities where we treated them like we would American prisoners or prisoners of war and gave at least SOME sort of nod toward due process. Say, move them all to Texas. Or Iowa…doesn’t seem to be anything else going on here.
Yes, quality idea. Send them to an abandon WWII POW camp somewhere in the Fifth Congressional District. It will enhance economic development, return some federal money to the Corn State and give our native son, Representative Steve King (Reactionary Nut Job-Iowa) something to blather about other than the certainty that Arabs will be dancing in the street if Obama is elected.
Our friends :rolleyes: certainly know that the alternative to closing Gitmo (which exists only to give the prior occupant cover for a claim that the people held there were not subject to the provisions of US domestic law and were out side the range of any US court’s writ –not because of its iron tight security) is not to turn those sad people lose, willy-nilly, on the streets of Cleveland. The alternative is to send them to some regular US prison, sort out the innocent by-standers from the POWs and the criminals and process each group accordingly.
Consider what you might be inclined to do if you were a simple Saudi rug merchant on a buying trip to the Kyber Pass, arrested by some ragged Northern Alliance band, turned over to Pakistani secret service/military intelligence service, packed off to a black CIA jail, forwarded to Gitmo and held there for a year or two under incessant interrogation of varying intensity, and then sent back to Saudi where you are run through a re-education program and then sent back to your now out-of-business furniture store and your impoverished family. Under the circumstances the urge to go off to Yemen and start blowing up Americans might be pretty difficult to resist.
It is my understanding the closing Guantanamo is to end the torture and other shenanigans there, not to release the prisoners out where they’ll be committing terrorist acts.
And with that, I’m signing out – there’s a reason I stay out of GD and this is it.
Hey yeah…how did this get turned into a GD thread? Dammit I put this in MPSIMS because I wanted to explore the possibilities of using the prisoners as potential & unwitting anti-terrorist weapons.
(I would suggest a ban of rational thought for the remainder of the thread, but that’s sure to get it moved.)