Give me feedback on my "how to poop" page

Constipation Relief for Women – the natural way

I have to say that these were some of the more interesting diagrams that I’ve made…

Well. There’s no pictures, for which I’m very grateful.

Other than that, I don’t know, not having a vagina. Or constipation issues, for that matter.

Well obviously men aren’t the target audience.

I don’t get constipation, but if I did, I might well find the advice on the page helpful. I thought the diagrams were good, and the two methods of shit-steering were well explained.

[Forrest Gump Voice] The Straight Dope is like a box of chochlits… you never know what you’re gonna get![/FGV]

Very informative and, um. . . clinical, Opal. Well done.

Delta “thank God I’m a man”-9