Giving up my Cats in NYC

Well, I am down to asking for help on the internet. I hate doing it but I guess it has to be done.

I got evicted from my apt. That means my Cats were too. They cannot stay where they have been staying and they cannot stay where I am staying. I need someone in NYC who would be willing to foster them. I can pay for board, and maybe a little bit for room but not much.

I would also be willing to pursue adoption if it’s a good home, but I’d rather not. Also, I’d need someone who I can verify through SDMB channels that’s gonna be a reasonable candidate. If you can help, please do, I’m kind of down to the wire here.


Oh no. Poor you and poor kitties. I am nowhere near NYC, but if you run out of options you might try posting at - they have a cat rescue forum, maybe someone there could help you, or at least steer you to someone who can help you.

I post at that board a little, and the folks there truly love animals and seem like good people.

Thanks, the only problem is checking references.


I’d consider helping out for a little while. It would be nice to have the company, as these days I spend a lot of time at home studying (OK, posting here :)) and he would help keep the mice away! However, I can’t provide any personal references from Dopers. If you’re as desperate as you sound, we should talk about it.

Well we can definitely meet. My e-mail address is etinker at highstream dot net.

Chula, I am just checking in. Seeing if you’re around to read this. Get in touch with me since I can’t use your e-mail via the profile.


Good one, mswas. Poor unsuspecting Chula doesn’t know that there will be 500 cats come to live with her. Mwuahahahah. Oh you only have a few? Nevermind. :frowning: I hope that you get a place where they can come back to you soon.

Yeah thanks. Actually at this point it’s just one. We have two, but the other one might be getting a place. The problem is the one that we’ve found a place for is not the one that has to be moving. The one that has to be moving is the longhair annd he has to move cuz of allergies at the place he’s at.
