On another message board I frequent, the term “glass dick” is used to describe when someone posts something they believe to be new and noteworthy, when in fact it is something that has been already mentioned and discussed on the board. It comes from a picture of an LPGA tournament winner kissing a trophy, that in the given picture/angle, looks like she is kissing a, ahem, “glass dick”. I thought this was pretty unique to that board, but have now heard it elsewhere. Is anybody else familiar with this term used in this context?
No, I’ve never heard of it (I do remember the photo though) - it has a certain je ne sais quois.
The picture was discussed here. Can’t say as I’ve seen the term used since though.
I googled on the term ‘Glass Dick’ (with safesearch switched on) in the hope of finding the photo in question and one of the results indicated that it is also a slang term for a glass pipe for smoking crack.
http://www.wattfarm.com/blog/archives/000593.html has the technically-safe-for-work photo.
A “glass dick” is street slang for a glass pipe used for smoking crack or methamphetamine. However, said device doesn’t look like a literal penis made out of glass. Said photo looks very much like a literal penis made out of glass.
Read the comments on the page Jurph linked; ‘dizabala’ is quick on the uptake eh?