Glee season 3 deleted scenes released on YouTube

I thought other SDMB Glee viewers would be interested to know that Glee co-creator Ryan Murphy has been releasing a series of deleted scenes on YouTube. They can be found at MrRPMurphyExclusive - YouTube and include:

[li]The Klaine “Box Scene” – Blaine’s Christmas present for Kurt, cut from “Extraordinary Merry Christmas”[/li][li]Bridesmaids – Rachel shops for wedding gowns, and someone tries to talk her out of getting married. I assume this was from “On My Way”.[/li][li]“Hello 12” – duet of the song from A Chorus Line. This one is actually from season one, “Hell-O”.[/li][li]The Warblers’ “I Want you Back” – musical number from the Michael Jackson tribute episode.[/li][li]Santana Coming Out – from “I Kissed A Girl”[/li][li]Rachel’s Yearbook Message to Kurt – from “Goodbye”[/li][li] “Mike Chang’s Gift From His Parents” presumably also from “Goodbye”[/li][/ul]
It was actually kind of painful watching these clips, because many of them were better than things that weren’t cut from their respective episodes and several would have helped to address problems in these episodes. For instance, the version of “I Kissed A Girl” that was actually broadcast wound up being mostly about how Finn felt about Santana being a lesbian. Santana herself spent much of the episode sitting passively in the choir room.

While the Kurt/Blaine Christmas gift scene was rather sappy, it would have made a lot of the show’s fans very happy and I would have preferred it to plenty of the material that did make it in to that godawful episode.

Really the only one that I’m just as happy was cut was the Warblers number, mostly because I was sick of Sebastian the Evil Warbler starting with his very first appearance. This number would have done more to advance the story than some of the ones that did stay in the episode though, and it helped explain why Santana was eager to help bring Sebastian down later in the episode.