GLEE Season Premiere: The Purple Piano Project

Thread opened a couple of hours beforehand to let anybody who may not know that tonight’s the premiere.

Based on the previews it seems that there is music in this one, and apparently Sue says something mean and Kurt says or does something flamingly gay. (Sorry, I may should have used spoilers.)

I’m psyched. I made sure I finished up a freelance job so I can sit and watch it guiltfree.

Wheee! My son and I just started watching (from the beginning) this past Spring, and got all caught up three weeks ago.
Today he got all his homework assignments done at school so he won’t have to watch the premiere on TiVo later this evening. Unheard of!

Glee’s back. From the previews it looks like Sue’s up to her old tricks (in addition to running for Congress). A couple of new characters are being introduced too.
[li]Anything Goes (Cole Porter)[/li][li]Anything You Can Do (Annie Get Your Gun)[/li][li]You Can’t Stop the Beat (Hairspray)[/li][li]We Got the Beat (The Go-Gos)[/li][li]Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead (Wizard of Oz)[/li][li]It’s Not Unusual (Tom Jones)[/li][/ul]

In a sort of meta gesture, one of the songs is You Can’t Stop the Beat from HAIRSPRAY. Matthew Morrison was in the original cast and sings that song (along with other actors).

Don’t these things usually come with a poll?

Personally, I miss Sam. But Blaine looked extra adorable, so that was nice. More of a focus on show tunes than they’d been doing for a while. That’s nice. I always feel like I should know more about Broadway, but I’m not really at all familiar with anything. So having Glee to point out a few good numbers is useful. Actually, it also serves that purpose for pop music as well.

Well, as rumored Blaine is now a McKinley student and member of New Directions. This was accomplished without any reference to his parents or where he actually lives, although this is SOP for Glee. I presume he will now be the usual lead male soloist in competition, although it’s entirely possible that Finn will continue to fill that role for no logical reason.

I am wondering what happened to Karofsky, who hasn’t been seen since the prom episode. I expected we’d at least see him refusing to talk to Jacob Ben Israel in the opening sequence or something.

Rachel’s doppleganger, the girl who sang “Anything Goes/Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better”, was one of the finalists on The Glee Project. She and the other runner-up were promised two episodes on the show (although I guess they could get even more if they work out well), while the two winners are supposed to get seven episodes each.

Alphaboi started a thread with a poll. This one can be closed since poll works better.

Blaine is even hotter than when last seen.

“Me and My Hag” is a nice return to the pamphlet gags.

So are Will and Emma having sex?

Way too iCarly/Wizards of Waverly Place in terms of realism or lack of, but some of the music was good.

Seemingly hot enough to make Santana question her sexuality again, although it turned out to be all part of her sinister plan to…set a piano on fire. I really didn’t get the whole purple piano thing. Was this some sort of cultural reference that went over my head, or did it truly just not make any sense?

Good question. When they were first shown in bed I thought so, but later it seemed like maybe not. Or maybe they just have a lousy sex life, with Emma agreeing to try having sex again but not enjoying it so they stop.

Did they mention Sam’s absence at all? I didn’t catch it if they did.

Mercedes mentioned very briefly at the beginning that she and Sam had indeed dated early in the summer, but that his father got a new job out of state and they moved away.

Yes … “his father got a job in another state.”

I don’t like that Mercedes is now paired with a plus-size black guy. That just seems so … old fashioned and stereotypical and insulting to her.

I’ve always wondered what happened with the football player Kurt tried to set her up with. I assume the actor wasn’t available for the long term, but since kind of a big deal was made about it and we later had a couple of episodes where Mercedes mentioned not having a boyfriend then there could at least have been a passing reference to how she’d gone out with that guy once and found they had nothing in common.

[mod]Merged duplicate threads.[/mod]

Really glad they’re getting back to the S1 vibe – actual story advancement on all sides – and, yes, the fag hag brochure.

Fingers crossed that they’ll actually do West Side Story. That would be fantastic.

Yes, but Emma isn’t enjoying it ("So THAT’S what being turned-on feels like!). :slight_smile:

I didn’t love this episode, and I’m not sure why. It just didn’t seem to gel. I did, however, enjoy, “I have pepperoni in my bra.” “Those are your nipples.”

I don’t think Will & Emma are having sex. They may come right up to it but she throws the brakes on.

“Me and My Hag” was wonderful! As was the Rachel-ganger!
AND the tone-deaf Asperger’s girl!
Becky & Santana forced to be co-conspirators was funny also.

Sue was too over-the-top. As was Quinn & the Skanks.

An OK but overall disappointing opener for the year.

That last sentence would also summarize my feeling for the Zooey show that came afterwards. I’d have loved to seen behind the pillow, though!

Anything Goes / Anything You Can Do (Annie Get Your Gun) - I loved this as a mashup. I had no idea the latter wasn’t originally from Free to Be You and Me

You Can’t Stop the Beat (Hairspray) - I liked how it started slow and then rocked out, and tied in with We Got the Beat.

Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead (Wizard of Oz) - I liked the rendition, but it didn’t seem to fit into the plot or as a song they’d choose to wow people. And Rachel dominated but Kurt floundered.

It’s Not Unusual (Tom Jones) - Blaine totally knocked this out of the park. Liked it more than the original. Loved his outfit too. Stylish, retro, but not overly gay. This boy is a star.

I see a poll. I guess they got merged.

She still has her dress on in bed. Are they living together? Seems like. I wish Id rewatched the finale. I don’t remember where they left off.

I was wondering when any of them would show up. I guess they are doling them out piecemeal. I have to say, I absolutely despised her on TGP, but she did a fantastic job here. I look forward to seeing the other winners.

I totally missed this! When the scene first played out I assumed Quinn did it since she was the one shown smoking. When did Santana take up cigarettes? But then Will blamed it on Santana so I had to rewatch it.

Its better than her crush on Kurt. Seriously, she seems to have gotten a mega infusion of self esteem, so I’m not worried. Plus they randomly dropped that other black football player she was supposed to go out with.

Anything Goes / Anything You Can Do (Annie Get Your Gun) - I loved this as a mashup. I had no idea the latter wasn’t originally from Free to Be You and Me

You Can’t Stop the Beat (Hairspray) - I liked how it started slow and then rocked out, and tied in with We Got the Beat.

Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead (Wizard of Oz) - I liked the rendition, but it didn’t seem to fit into the plot or as a song they’d choose to wow people. And Rachel dominated but Kurt floundered.

It’s Not Unusual (Tom Jones) - Blaine totally knocked this out of the park. Liked it more than the original. Loved his outfit too. Stylish, retro, but not overly gay. This boy is a star.

I see a poll. I guess they got merged.

She still has her dress on in bed. Are they living together? Seems like. I wish Id rewatched the finale. I don’t remember where they left off.

I was wondering when any of them would show up. I guess they are doling them out piecemeal. I have to say, I absolutely despised her on TGP, but she did a fantastic job here. I look forward to seeing the other winners.

I totally missed this! When the scene first played out I assumed Quinn did it since she was the one shown smoking. When did Santana take up cigarettes? But then Will blamed it on Santana so I had to rewatch it.

Its better than her crush on Kurt. Seriously, she seems to have gotten a mega infusion of self esteem, so I’m not worried. Plus they randomly dropped that other black football player she was supposed to go out with.

I hate the Sue plot though. So tired.