Glee is back this week!
The cheerleaders wore their uniforms on Senior Ditch Day? Some girls wore skirts? They chartered a bus?
I went to a Cubs game - in jeans.
Other than that, it was fun. I liked the acting lessons. I’m not sure what to think about Sue, though. The show’s not quite over yet, though.
I could have done without the Duran Duran mashup. I don’t like it when Glee mashes songs together just for the sake of mashing them. Blaine and his brother should have done either “Hungry Like the Wolf” OR “Rio”.
Well, the cheerleaders wear their uniforms to school every day no matter what, so that’s at least consistent. I was more puzzled by the presence of students who weren’t even seniors. It was basically a Glee club outing minus Blaine, and it was made clear that he could have gone if he’d wanted to.
So Duran Duran’s Rio can be sung alongside Hungry like the Wolf like the Nickelback songs. Somehow I feel less of them now.
Also annoyed I never caught it. I tagged Oasis’ “Sally Can Wait” with “Mr. Mistofolees” from Cats even.
Cooper Anderson? LMAO
Is it just me or was the Autotune particularly blatant and annoying for the Duran Duran number?
Other than that brief scene with Finn in “Hold on to Sixteen”, I believe this is the first episode where Blaine actually had anything to do other than singing and being Kurt’s love interest. So that’s something I guess, but I was pretty meh on the whole storyline with his brother. I mean, this is the first we’d heard of Blaine even having a brother, so it was hard for me to care about their relationship – especially since things were smoothed over so easily.
While I still think the cliffhanger at the end of the last episode was one of the low points of the entire series, and probably the shark-jumping moment for me personally, I felt the Quinn/Artie storyline this week actually was pretty well done. However, I don’t think this show is has the guts to seriously keep Quinn in a wheelchair forever. She’s right, she will walk again, and it will no doubt be at the schlockiest possible moment. My guess is it will happen right as Rachel hits the final high note at their Nationals performance.
Was the guy who played Blaine’s brother anyone in particular?
I’d heard a lot of buzz on the Internet about Matt Bomer being cast as Blaine’s older brother, but I had never heard of Matt Bomer before and did not recognize him at all. He’s apparently the lead on a show I’d also never heard of before called White Collar. I have no idea if he’s famous to people who aren’t me.
I’ve heard of the show but not the guy.
The harmony on the “Yeah, yeah, yeah” in “I’m Still Standing” was beautiful.
About four episodes of Chuck for Bomer as well. You really need to see the guy wear a suit, and I say that as a very straight male.
Good episode overall, I thought, though I definitely agree that the Duran Duran number was unnecessarily butchered. I also really like Somebody That I Used to Know, but I feel like I have been hearing I everywhere lately, probably because I have.
I just was annoyed that Quinn was in this horrific accident that damaged her spine but not even a scratch or bruise anywhere else. Suuuuuure. Hated the Duran Duran number. I think I am over Glee.
As a former student of acting myself, I thought Cooper’s master class was hilarious. Obviously, everything he was telling the class was exactly wrong, so to see them all frantically writing down his tips was a hoot. “I avoid all eye contact with my acting partner, so I can focus on the awesome acting choices I’ve made ahead of time - like eating a roast beef sandwich.” “Pointing! You have to point! This is dramatic - there’s a dead man in a dress!”
Also, did anybody else notice that at the beginning of the Duran Duran number, as Blaine took off his cardigan - he was wearing a sweater vest under it? Is that a thing?
It is when Kurt’s picking out your clothes.
What the hell happened last night.
There were three storylines, all coherent, all consistent with the given backstory, and all had plot-points advanced. Glee was… internally consistent.
I’m… scared.
I just finished (today) watching the first three seasons of White Collar online, and enjoyed it a lot. Fun show.
The more I think about it, the more I feel we’ve seen this Quinn storyline before. She makes a bad decision, one that a lot of young people make, but for her it results in serious physical consequences…albeit temporary ones. Heck, she even drew a parallel between her pregnancy and her car accident in this episode, saying that texting while driving and having sex with Puck were the two worst decisions she’d ever made.
For that matter, the Blaine storyline was basically the same as his one previous non-Kurt-related subplot. An older brother figure criticizes his performance, Blaine makes angry scrunchy faces and hits a punching bag, the other person apologizes, and Blaine forgives him. It was just padded out more this week and involved his actual brother rather than his boyfriend’s stepbrother.
While I did think it was odd that Quinn did not have a mark on her, I had the impression that this episode was set weeks after the last one. It seemed like Quinn had been out of school and in the hospital for some time, so scratches and bruises would have had time to heal.
I only watch “Glee” now out of habit because I’ve been watching it since Day 1, even though it “jumped the shark” ages ago. (I think the creepiest thing is having 30-something-old adults play high school kids.) I usually spend every episode thinking “What the hell - as if that would ever happen.”
But this episode - WTF. I think I’m the most disappointed with how they bastardized my favourite band of all time - Duran Duran. As soon as Cooper Anderson (heh) said that he and Blaine used to do Simon LeBon impressions I was like “No…no no no no…Aw hell no.” Then they horribly mashed up “Rio” and “Hungry Like the Wolf” - WTF is with all the mashups?!
I did enjoy that song “Up Up Up” - I had to SoundHound it with my iPhone because I’d never heard it before.
I watch Glee faithfully now just to see what the hell kind of implausible plotlines the writers will come up with next. It’s actually a freakin’ awful show.
If it makes your creep factor better, none of the actors who play students (regulary) are over 30 yrs old (or older)
Puck will be 30 later this year.