I caught about 5 minutes of him on CNN tonight, flipping through the tube.
What’s the skinny on this dude? Worth watchiong, or is he a one trick pony like Nancy Grace, Bill O"Reilly, etc.?
What I saw of him was almost comical, and I’m embarassed that I’ve even started a thread about him, but assuming I’m politically neutral, did I just waste 5 minutes of my time tonight (seven when you count this OP)?
Every time I see this show, I’m embarrassed for Glenn Beck and even more embarrassed for Headline News/CNN.
It seems almost as if Headline News picked a random goofball from a conservative white-bread subdivision and gave him his own show. He spouts the sort of trite conservative talking points you hear from some only-vaguely-informed loudmouth at a backyard barbecue who gets his news from talk radio. The kind of guy who traps you into a tedious conversation from which you desperately seek a polite escape.
Ted Turner must weep openly every time he watches CNN or HNN these days. Time-Warner has wrecked the franchise.
I only catch him when I tune in to HNN, when I actually want something like, you know, HEADLINE NEWS!
The little I’ve seen of him doesn’t enthrall me, but I find him entertaining enough. I’m usually with him politically & I do like that he doesn’t seem to be a particular angry conservative.
But I’d prefer they move him & Nancy Grace somewhere else, and stick to showing, you know, HEADLINE NEWS!
I rarely tune into CNN either, any more, since it ruined & then killed CROSSFIRE and soon followed in killing THE CAPITAL GANG.
I’ve laughed at Beck, but not when he was cracking jokes.
He seems to be pretty popular with a number of people, but I have generally found him to be pretty stupid. He did a whole show blasting “Left wing Hollywood” for not showing up at the Hollywood, CA Memorial Day parade. As he ran down the list of people he was condemning, (carefully not mentioning any Right-wing actors such as Heston), I noticed that most of the people he named don’t even live in California, much less Hollywood, itself. I mean, I don’t even follow the entertainment news well enough to know where most people live, but he was naming people whom even I know to live in NY (or Connecticut) or who live in Arizona or Montana.
It was all mindless pandering based on ignorance. (Giving him the benefit of the doubt that he is merely utterly ignorant and not that he was deliberately lying about the people he derided.)
More or less this is true. He used to host a radio talk show on the Rush Limbaugh / Clear Channel AM station in Tampa, where he distinguished himself by helping a group called the Bayshore Patriots get off the ground. (The Bayshore Patriots is a large group of aging housewives who stand in a median near their rich neighborhood and wave US flags at passing cars. Apparently, this shows how they love America more than you; it also props up Bush, brings morale to our troops overseas, helps defeat terrorism, etc. etc.) He also asserted at length how Michael Shiavo murdered his wife in cold blood.
Beck was the number-one, post-9/11, right-wing, pro-Bush-abuses spin-meister in the Tampa area. After the success of his propaganda war in Tampa he was transferred to do a Clear Channel show in Charlotte, where, I assume, he came to the attention of CNN-Atlanta.