GNGH! I fucking hate it when that happens! (biting the inside of your cheek)

I have teeth missing on one side of my mouth (I’m british) so I do all my chewing on the other side.

Lately I keep biting my cheek when I chew. It’s f^!*@g! annoying! (and painful)

Well, that’s all. I’m going to finish eating (carefully)

No shit. And then you have a swollen cheek, which just gives your teeth a nice big target.

I sympathize. This happens to me every once in a while. You bite it, and it swells, so you keep biting it. Then, eventually, the pain goes away, and you forget how much it hurts until next time you bite the inside of your cheek.

Scar tissue on the inside of your mouth is annoying. Obviously wounds don’t scab up, but they do form this nasty peeling membrane that feels like you have a piece of apple skin or something stuck to the inside of your cheek :eek:

When this happens to me, it’s less a “GNGH!” sound than a “GAAAAAH! THPFUCK! TPHAT TPHUCKING HULTS!” sound.

Sheesh. I had to do a double-take here. I was wondering what the hell brought Lobsang to Niagara Falls, ON and how hard he had to bite his cheek to land in the hospital.

GNGH = Greater Niagara General Hospital.

That’s not to say that the GNGH isn’t pittable. It is. Emminently so.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Your reply gave me a laugh… thanks :slight_smile:

:stuck_out_tongue: :o :eek: :mad: :mad: :frowning: :smiley:
(work it out)

All right, I’ll give it a shot.
:stuck_out_tongue: = flirting
:o = your flirting partner prepares to give a blow job
:eek: = s/he is impressed by your size!
:mad: :mad: :frowning: = “O” faces?
:smiley: = needs no explanation

But what does that have to do with biting your cheek and/or the Niagara Falls area?

Is this a requirement of being British? If your teeth don’t fall out on their own, do you have to get whacked by a Beefeater or something?