Go go Porno Rangers!

Hey, has anyone heard that the guy who was the Red Ranger is now a gay porn star?

Unfortunately, I can’t link to the blog where I found this out, because it’s definitely not work safe. But I’m trying to find a PG-13 site if I can.

Which one. There’s been like a dozen, well maybe nine if you count that both Tommy and Jason served twice. If I had to lay money down though, I’d guess Rocky or Tommy.

Can you give us a good search string to find this blog?
When that show first aired (and I mean the first Power Rangers show) in the US, I was right at the target age, so I watched it for about two years before I grew out of it.

The closest that I know about involving an actual Ranger is that Wild Force Red Ranger Ricardo Medina Jr was a contestant on the VH1 reality show Kept. Competing to be Jerry Hall’s man-whore isn’t too far removed from being a porn star.

There was an extra from the show (who appeared twice in crowd scenes) by the name of Skylar Deleon, who was charged with a couple of murders and IIRC was described in some news reports as a porn star or a hustler.

A Google search of “red power ranger” “gay porn” came up with a very NSFW page with the following:

OK, now that I’m all intrigued, some quick Googling turns up this site which claims to have found other sites which claim that original Red Ranger Austin St John appeared in a gay porn film titled Laguna Beach: A Love Affair using the name Jason Cutler. Problem is, Laguna Beach: A Love Affair doesn’t seem to have a Jason Cutler in the cast. IMDB lists three Jason Cutlers but none of them have appeared in porn under that name. A Google image search of Jason Cutler turns up no pictures of Austin St John, a Google image search of the title turns up the back cover which does not contain copy indicating that any former Power Ranger appears and a Google search of the title doesn’t turn up anything indicating St John is involved in any way.

The actor’s name it seems is Austin St. John. The website is SeanCody and then a popular ending for most commercial websites.

(I’m sorry, I didn’t realize there was more than one actor-I never watched the show.)

It seems Otto posted while I was typing. If anyone wants the link I found it on, e-mail me. It’s a live journal celeb gossip blog.

And the stills-I’d say if it’s not him, he’s got an identical twin out there somewhere he never knew of.

If the same Jason Cutler who was in TVOG was a former Red Ranger and also a porn star, then IMDB has done a miserable job in documenting it. No one named Jason Cutler played a character called “Red Ranger.” A search for Jason Cutler alongside Haim Saban (producer of all the different Power Rangers projects) has no matches. Cutler’s IMDB page has two credits, the aforementioned TVOG and an uncredited role from 2002.

Keep in mind, IMDB is notoriously unreliable-it’s public edited, like Wiki, I believe.

IMDB isn’t the most reliable source, but it’s not publicly edited. The public can submit information but IMDB staff still have to release it to the site. Primary cast information, though, is in my experience correct. I checked every character with the words “red ranger” in the name and none were even close to “Jason Cutler.”

I emailed you for the link so when I get it I’ll take a look at the stills. I remain highly skeptical.

What’s the model’s name on the adult site, Guin? The one you think might be the guy?


And what makes you think “Brock” ain’t his real name?!?

Awful damn close resemblance, though. I’ll see if I can get a research grant to pay for a membership, so I can check for birthmarks. Frame by frame.

Just post the URL without parsing it. There’s no chance of anyone going there accidentally if it’s just plain text so the two click rule would still be respected.

It is close, but if Austin and Brock are the same person he’s put on about 50 pounds of muscle since his Power Ranger days. Either way, the whole “Jason Cutler” thing seems pretty definitively wrong.

Hey, I’m just reporting what I found.

Here is the blog itself-don’t worry, there’s nothing bad there on the front page from what I can see. Scroll down to the entry with the same name as this thread.

Tangentially related, Former Yellow Ranger Cerina Vincent has done movies in which she appears topless, including Cabin Fever and Not Another Teen Movie.

No biggie. If it weren’t for the fact that I have kids, I wouldn’t have known either. Every other year or so, Saban changes the the Power Rangers somewhat, each having different robots (or zords as the show calls them) and uniforms; it keeps me buying new toys.

And new villains, too. I caught some of the current Ranger shows when I was in the hospital.

I miss Rita Repulsa…