Go see John Mulaney...

“Say more words…”

Just got back from his show. That was wonderful. He had people in tears, his new material is better than his older material.

For a guy who is only 35, I really hope he stays around for a long time.

Thank you QuickSilver for posting this thread, I never would’ve gone to a Mulaney show had I not gotten these recommendations. I’m adding Mulaney to my list of top comedians after tonight.

“As a comedian, I always get into situations where I’m auditioning for movies and sitcoms, you know? As a comedian, they want you to do things besides comedy. They say, ‘Alright you’re a comedian, can you write? Write us a script. Act in this sitcom.’ They want me to do shit that is related to comedy, but it’s not comedy, man. It’s not fair, you know? It’s as though if I was a cook, and I worked my ass off to become a really good cook, and they said ‘alright you’re a cook… can you farm?’”

  • Mitch Hedberg

Hmm, I clicked the first link in the OP and only found him mildly amusing. Not enough of his own personality coming through for me - seemed like he was reciting someone else’s material. Reading the thread, maybe it wasn’t his best bit. I’ll try another.

Try his bits on Law & Order or The Salt and Pepper Diner.